0.109: New integrations page and weather card, frontend lost weight

My understanding is there were major breaking changes introduced in Material Design Icons v5. I think 70 icons were removed and 120 were renamed. I believe that’s the main reason the more recent MDI versions haven’t been integrated into Home Assistant just yet.


Synology doesn’t seem to update with any frequency I can see? The data is stale after the initial load, whereas it used to be near realtime data?

show_forecast: false

I ran into the problem of logos not loading for integrations. It turned out to be a conflict with one of my browser extensions (Privacy Badger). It was flagging “brands.home-assistant.io” as a potential tracker. I whitelisted it and everything loaded properly.

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Yes I can just test it

Regarding blocking I/O (https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/04/29/release-109/#detection-of-blocking-io-in-the-event-loop) I’ve tried for a long time to get som feedback from the devs - never worked with async Python before anc whatever I do my integrations always run in the mainthread.
So if you want to enforce this, perhaps you should put a “async in HA 101” in the dev docs?!

You mean like this? https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/asyncio_101/


All installs of “hassio” (no longer the name) use docker and always have. That error is usually indicating a lack of space.

I have the following automation (I copied from another member few weeks ago)
I haven’t understand I should remove it from or I should change it)

- alias: Purge Database
  initial_state: True
    platform: time
    at: '02:22:22'
    service: recorder.purge
      keep_days: 1
      repack: true

Now I am getting the following error in logs

Logger: homeassistant.components.recorder
Source: helpers/config_validation.py:699
Integration: Recorder (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:52:51 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:52:51 PM

The 'purge_interval' option (with value '1') is deprecated, please remove it from your configuration

Can someone help me as what to do?

I think I should remove it because it is be default (it keeps only 1 day)
or to increase the days in 2 if I want to keep 2 days of history. Is that right?

Yesss! Scene transitions! Thank you @frenck! <3


yes! I removed old docker images and now it works!

many thanks

Thanks @Makis, I think my problem is related to this:

That is strange. I turned off the TV and then turned on through HA, so I am wondering why mine is working

  • just read the github thread. I will have the same issue I guess tomorrow morning :slight_smile:

I got this error in my logs:

 [homeassistant.helpers.translation] garbage_collection: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.111 your translations will no longer load if you do not move/rename this 

What do I need to do?

Update in hacs

No update available.

I think that message is referring to the recorder’s purge_interval option in configuration.yaml (i.e. not the one in the automation).

From the blog post above:

Recorder - The recorder configuration purge_interval has been deprecated. The recorder database is now purged every night. This can be disabled with the new auto_purge configuration though that is usually not recommended. - (@amelchio - #33646) (recorder docs )

Me too when I checked ~30 minutes after the new version first became available so I took the ‘blunt instrument’ approach and restarted Home Assistant. That forced the Updater sensor to refresh itself and then the new version was reported in Supervisor.

Oops! Sorry, I think I may have misread what you meant by “No update available.”

I forgot about that. I have in configuration this, I should completely remove it?

  purge_interval: 1
  purge_keep_days: 3
      - sensor
      - switch
      - automation
     - sensor.date
     - binary_sensor.vibration_sensor
     - automation.message_move_sensor_living_room
     - binary_sensor.presence_16
     - sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary

It’s no longer used in 0.109 so you may as well remove it.

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