0.110: Speed! OpenZWave beta, HomeKit Cameras, ONVIF, Calendars


    #base_url: !secret base_url
    ssl_certificate: !secret ssl_cert
    ssl_key: !secret ssl_priv_key

Ahhhh, yeah, did not read the entire log.
Do as it say and open an issue :wink:

IOS app does not show the various lovelace views. Cannot access most of my HA functionality :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

is EZVIZ integration still broken?

nah, its not coming from HACS
but seems my header bar is missing, this was a markdown … with buttons in it
that one is gone now, and maybe is creating now a big black bar

+1. Think we’re talking about the same. Missing the header completely. Custom header completely disabled. Cleared browser cache. Have Dark bar on the bottom of the screen.

like this?

Exactly like that

do you also use homekit theme b Jimzz? seems if i disable the header bar on a second page , its back on the first page

grr, i hate those updates

Same for me onvif camera not working anymore

The bar missing in IOS is due to an crash in the “custom-header” HACS plugin, I remove it and it works. There was an entry on the log saying about that.

how to troubleshoot this? it was working perfectly on 109.x

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Yeah a new HA release! Always looking forward to it.

A bit strange I feel is the removing of base_url. I managed my network setup so it has the same URL for internal and external. Configuring 2 parameters with the same data just feels a little strange, thats all. Maybe only internal_url would be enough - but the docs seem not to be up to date. There is no metion of any _url in the http docs (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/http/).

Anyone having issues with upgrading? I got struck at:

Testing configuration at /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant
INFO: homeassistant.util.package: Attempting install of av==7.0.1

Reverted back to 0.109.6 for the time being

os_version 	4.19.97-v7+
python_version 	3.7.3
version 	0.109.6
virtualenv 	true

Netatmo is missed too

check the stream breaking changes section.

Nope don’t use that theme. Tried to completely uninstalling the custom header, rebooted, cleared cache, no dice. Still that dark bar on the bottom. Strange…

Those do not belong in the http config, they are core configuration.
https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/basic/ (which is up to date :wink: )

i think its not related to custom head… grr
what do you normal have on top, of your lovelace pages?

I had similar. I commented all out and out bit back at a time. For me it was custom-attribute-card that was causing the fail.