getting some new errors and in plentitude. I realize this has to do with custom-ui, so no core issue, though the issue seems to be the entity is not available, where this was no issue whatsoever before.
please check if anything can be done with this:
Log Details (ERROR)
Logger: frontend.js.latest.202006032
Source: components/system_log/
First occurred: June 10, 2020, 11:52:29 PM (642 occurrences)
Last logged: June 10, 2020, 11:52:39 PM TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'entities['sensor.me_picture'].state') TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'entities['sensor.wife_picture'].state') TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'entities['sensor.daughter1_picture'].state') TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'entities['sensor.daughter2_picture'].state') TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'entities['sensor.ha_available_version'].state')
apparently 2 of my 4 daughters are fine
seems to me that during startup these entities might to yet be initialized and some other internal HA process tries to manipulate these (the custom-ui)
also, I get to see this for the first time:
Log Details (WARNING)
Logger: homeassistant.core
First occurred: June 10, 2020, 11:55:25 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: June 10, 2020, 11:55:25 PM
Something is blocking Home Assistant from wrapping up the start up phase. We're going to continue anyway. Please report the following info at
and when tryin to go to that address it is a closed topic… now where to post?
it is quite an extensive list I am afraid…
life360, sensor.filesize, input_select, notify.mobile_app, sensor.asuswrt, cast, tradfri, hue, script, feedreader,, rest_command, device_tracker.mobile_app, hassio, speedtestdotnet, input_datetime, camera.browser_mod, sensor.tradfri, onboarding, binary_sensor.threshold, sensor.mobile_app, sensor.waqi, sensor.statistics, recorder, media_player.sonos, owntracks, sensor.gdacs, webhook, sensor.buienradar, sensor.afvalwijzer, timer, logger, binary_sensor.synology_dsm, weather.darksky, auth, sensor.time_date, geo_location.usgs_earthquakes_feed, plugwise, alert, media_player.plex, switch.wake_on_lan,, airvisual, gdacs, frontend, input_text, sensor.nmbs, sensor.template, tts,, logbook, group, media_player.spotify, websocket_api, zone, alarm_control_panel, automation, sensor.command_line, device_tracker, search, media_player.panasonic_viera, air_quality.airvisual, binary_sensor.sun2, sensor.github, sensor.eventsensor, sensor.browser_mod, history, notify.file, ios, binary_sensor.stookalert, binary_sensor.meteoalarm, system_health, media_player, notify.pushbullet, sensor.speedtestdotnet,, input_boolean, media_player.browser_mod, homeassistant, media_player.mpd, samsungtv, composite, sensor.moon, camera, binary_sensor.mobile_app, plex,, geo_location, ssdp, proximity, switch.plugwise, weather, stt, scene.homeassistant, sensor.darksky, sensor.hue, notify, panasonic_viera, cover, system_log, binary_sensor.template, light.browser_mod, lovelace, geo_location.gdacs, binary_sensor.workday, synology_dsm, sensor.systemmonitor, light, config, ipp, sensor.synology_dsm, variable, climate.plugwise, sensor.file, light.hue, http, air_quality, mqtt, person, device_tracker.owntracks, discovery, weather.openweathermap, climate, spotify, sensor, binary_sensor.hue, sensor.sun2, notify.ios, asuswrt, camera.buienradar, binary_sensor.browser_mod, shell_command, sensor.mold_indicator, cover.tradfri, switch.tradfri, binary_sensor.updater, sensor.nederlandse_spoorwegen, eventsensor, scene, alarm_control_panel.manual, switch.command_line, media_player.samsungtv, sensor.uptime, camera.generic, weather.buienradar, switch, light.tradfri, updater, favicon, device_automation, python_script, switch.template, map, persistent_notification, binary_sensor.plugwise, input_number, sensor.openweathermap, binary_sensor.trend, wake_on_lan, browser_mod, mobile_app, zeroconf, api, counter, sensor.plex, alexa, panel_iframe, sensor.waze_travel_time, sensor.min_max, sonos, sensor.plugwise, sun, sensor.here_travel_time, sensor.airvisual, sensor.season, sensor.mqtt, cloud, media_player.cast, binary_sensor, sensor.ios