0.112.5 Not updating

Is there any reason why I would not be getting Release 0.112.5 - July 14?
My last update was 0.112.4 which came over and updated successfully.

What is your installation type? If it’s Docker, HassOS, or anything other than Core (or Core in a venv) 0.112.5 isn’t and won’t be made available. 0.113 should be out tomorrow with the same fixes.

Not the OP, but I had been wondering the same thing, must have missed that note.

I had noticed:
20-07-21 12:32:40 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Can't fetch versions from https://version.home-assistant.io/stable.json: in my logs.

And this is the contents of that json, showing the latest version being .4

  "channel": "stable",
  "supervisor": "229",
  "homeassistant": {
    "default": "0.112.4",
    "qemux86": "0.112.4",
    "qemux86-64": "0.112.4",
    "qemuarm": "0.112.4",
    "qemuarm-64": "0.112.4",
    "intel-nuc": "0.112.4",
    "raspberrypi": "0.112.4",
    "raspberrypi2": "0.112.4",
    "raspberrypi3": "0.112.4",
    "raspberrypi3-64": "0.112.4",
    "raspberrypi4": "0.112.4",
    "raspberrypi4-64": "0.112.4",
    "tinker": "0.112.4",
    "odroid-c2": "0.112.4",
    "odroid-n2": "0.112.4",
    "odroid-xu": "0.112.4"
  "hassos": {
    "ova": "4.11",
    "rpi": "4.11",
    "rpi0-w": "4.11",
    "rpi2": "4.11",
    "rpi3": "4.11",
    "rpi3-64": "4.11",
    "rpi4": "4.11",
    "rpi4-64": "4.11",
    "tinker": "4.11",
    "odroid-c2": "4.11",
    "odroid-n2": "4.11",
    "odroid-xu4": "4.11",
    "intel-nuc": "4.11"
  "hassos-cli": "19",
  "cli": "25",
  "dns": "9",
  "audio": "16",
  "multicast": "2",
  "image": {
    "core": "homeassistant/{machine}-homeassistant",
    "supervisor": "homeassistant/{arch}-hassio-supervisor",
    "cli": "homeassistant/{arch}-hassio-cli",
    "audio": "homeassistant/{arch}-hassio-audio",
    "dns": "homeassistant/{arch}-hassio-dns",
    "multicast": "homeassistant/{arch}-hassio-multicast"

It was mentioned in the .112 release thread, but was a wee bit buried ;-).