0.112: Making things faster; Logbook & History

Finally you can use the logbook. Great work, guys!

Slightly OT, but do you know when the Hue Smart Buttons will be supported? They are around for quite some time now, and all HA knows so far is their battery level.

Which version of iOS are you using? There are no known issues with iOS 13 as far as I know.

If you use “Custom Header”, there was an issue with that in 0.112 that caused the Lovelace menus to not work, that was fixed in an update to the custom card. So you might just need to update that.

Buttons are generally “stateless,” but you can probably listen to hue_event to grab the button press event and use it an event trigger in an automation, or see if you’re able to create a Device automation in the UI with it.

That doesnt seem to be the problem as i got enough disk space

Thanks for the reply.

I’m on IOS 13.5.1.

I do use custom header but using latest version as well. I will post the issue in that topic as it’s probably still related to custom header.

edit upgrading custom header to beta 1.6.6 fixed it.

Hello guys, just update to 0.112.1 from 0.111.4. Everything is good but my frontend version…I’m wondering why I’m still on 20200603.3 instead of 20200702.0 as I should be… :thinking:


Any tips?


try this: https://gist.github.com/balloob/580deaf8c3fc76948559c5963ed4d436

yeah I saw that. Havent tried yet though. Does to output something else than Logviewer addon ?

was really looking for config/logs

still, the move was an error imho…

I’ve been in pro AV integration for 15 years (I’m a Crestron programmer) and I am loving Home Assistant! Thanks for everything!

Just updated to 112 and now my cards added through HACS aren’t working anymore. I’m using the Simple Thermostat and the Roku cards. Anybody have an idea how I can fix this?

its just a redirect to the logs so you dont have to go to config or developer tools…logs can sit in the sidebar as well as any other panel, makes them even more quickly accessible IMO

I don’t use HUE, but do use a couple of SmartThings buttons. Tediore is right, you’ll have to check your logs and find the device id of the button. Here’s a snippet from an automation I use triggered by a button I have in the garage to run our front gate:

- id: '1556158361659'
  alias: Front Gate Button
  - event_data:
      device_id: 4c503d98-0bb5-4e14-93f3-33bf91066131
      value: pushed
    event_type: smartthings.button
    platform: event

Hope it helps guide you in the right direction!

smooth and very quick! its up and running before HA is :wink:

for reference:

using an include in configuration:

panel_custom: !include panel_custom.yaml

and panel_custom.yaml (for now)

- name: panel-redirect
  # url_path needs to be unique for each panel_custom config
  url_path: redirect-logbook
  sidebar_title: Logbook
  sidebar_icon: mdi:math-log
  module_url: /local/homeassistant/panel-redirect/panel-redirect.js
    # Where you want to redirect to
    target: /config/logs

@nickrout do you know the size of your DB on disk? I’m migrating from 0.110 to 0.112.1 today and the migration has taken 127 minutes so far. My DB is ~3.4GB and hosted on a quad core 2.9ghz Xeon machine, HA is running on a RPi4. This seems a bit long to me, @bdraco?

That does seem a bit long. Any errors in the log?

negative, just

2020-07-03 10:39:09 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.migration] Database is about to upgrade. Schema version: 7
2020-07-03 10:39:09 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.migration] Adding columns context_parent_id to table events. Note: this can take several minutes on large databases and slow computers. Please be patient!
2020-07-03 10:39:19 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of recorder is taking over 10 seconds.

Thanks @Tediore and @Markus99, I got it working now! It’s not very intuitive, but at least I can now get rid of the deprecated HACS integration Hue remotes advanced.

I’ve given the Pi a reboot after 2.5hours and it’s hung in the same spot.

  • Is there any chance of doing the data migration manually?
    • when i describe events; in a mysql client, I do not see a context_parent_id column for that table
  • The mysql daemon is not even breaking a sweat on the server. Is there debug logging I can turn on to see what’s happening?

Do you have something open that is watching the database that might be holding a lock?

mysqladmin processlist might be helpful

not that I can think of, but I’ll give the pi a reboot and the mysqld and try again.

I’m also kind of stuck and cannot downgrade to 0.111 because ha core stop fails and throws an error; ha core update --version=0.111.4 fails because “Can’t execute update while a task is in progress”

well, yikes, it looks like MySQL just sucks at altering tables.

I might try to handle this manually, if there is any kind of documentation on the schema change?

mysqladmin processlist just shows that mysql is trying to copy the entire events table to a tmpdb… verrrrrry slowly. ouch

edit: this is likely the tool I will use