0.113: Automations & Scripts, and even more performance!

I have the similar issue. Similar setup to you.

Checked the logs, nothing there.
Checked the the integration.
No entities showing up there either so i cannot do any naming.

Cannot say the doc makes it more clear on how i should migrate from my old config to the new so that it works again. Seem OK from my point of view. =P

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Ok, know it is early (at least here locally), but I read everything 3 times and still cannot find where it is mentioned…

Only thing I can find is:


    Configuration of entity name must now be done inside home assistant
    Multiple entities may be generated for a single device
    The events signalled from entity id’s are removed in favor of events from an integration level.
    The events format has changed.

(@elupus - #37742 #37565) (rfxtrx docs)
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@Caine72 @fversteegen

You will find an example here:

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:+1: I don’t disagree that it has its use, moreso that it shouldn’t replace the automations as they are currently as suggested by valantur.

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Thanks will look into it immediately!

In your config you are already in the rfxtrx domain. I integrated my rfxtrx devices in old style.
–> an now I read I also have to transform the configuration to new style :sweat_smile:

So, that shouldn’t work anymore:

  device: /dev/ttyUSB_RFX
  debug: true
  dummy: false

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: true
        name: sleeping room


Due to documentation you should try something like this:

  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433XL_DO332IY6-if00-port0
    071a0000020A0404: # RFY
      name: SàM

    071a00030A0909: # RFY
      name: Cuisine

Solves it for me! Thanks @honikos and @makai!!

So what happens if:
Automation A:
Turns on light 1 and light 2 -> delay 10 seconds and turn off.
Automation B:
Turns on light 2 and light 3 -> delay 10 seconds and turn off.
They are both in restart mode.

What if I trigger automation B 5 seconds after A, will light 2 be off after A finished of does B restart the countdown for light 2?

Am still confused… In the “new style”; how can you define whether a device is a switch, a light, a binary sensor or a sensor?

Yes. The delay in automation A is not influenced by Automation B. The delay time in Automation A does not have anything to do with the fact that Light 2 might be turned off/on/off as many times as you want outside Automation A. If you don’t re-trigger Automation A then after 10 seconds the delay will finish and Lights 1 & 2 will be switched off.

The delay and countdowns are per automation. So it does not care (or know) that several automations are going to turn off (or on) the same light.
So in your example, whatever automation was triggered first will turn off the light #2 after the timeout is reached. The other automation will also try to turn it off, but it will already be off when it comes to that point.

I managed to change a rfxtrx device that was being recognized as a switch to a light by changing the last 6 characters of the devices id from e.g. 010f70 to 020f70. After a restart it will be recognized as a light. You can delete the (unavailable) switch afterwards.

See Rfxtrx lights are recognized as switches in 0.113

It is not really clear from the documentation, I agree. I don’t know a better way right now.


After updating to the latest version, home assistant gets stuck in:
Home Assistant is starting up, not everything will be available until it has completed booting.
I have a NUC so it starts fairly quickly but after waiting half an hour it always remains blocked, the frontend loads but the template sensors and automations do not load, returning to 112.5 everything works correctly.
How can I solve it?

I absolutely LOVE the new automation modes. I’ve missed it, without considering that it may be solved as simple as with such modes, and now that it’s there, I’m thrilled. Previously, I had to keep track of some of my automations to make sure they weren’t triggered twice or more while still running. Now that’s solved for me, and it even opens up new possibilities! EXCELLENT WORK, you guys! :smiley: :+1: :clap:

Max is like entering any other number, it will hit that limit and just not queue or service more than that number (for that particular script / automation )

You could have 1000 automations, each with 100 instances of itself running.
I don’t see why you’d want that or the scenario under which that would happen - but it’s possible (I can’t get my head round some scripts running once :rofl: , so it’s best to be sparing when changing from the safe defaults, depending on your usage case)

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Awesome release, thanks guys!

I have the opposite. So it must be a case of taste. Me personally am visually oriented. Scripting means reading and documenting. Not my 2 strongest points. Using visual scripting (node-red) gives me an immediate overview of my automations without having to read (and understand) the script/automation prior to adjusting. Thats why I prefer node-red…

Really pleased to see scripts getting an ID, as a UI not yaml user this has made scripts more functionally usable! Thanks

Edit: I did notice and wondered if anyone else has, took a snapshot before the upgrade and one afterward (having tweaking a few automation’s to use scripts, nothing major) and the size of the snapshots have reduced by a third. Didn’t see anything in the release note about it, will try restoring from the latest to check it out…

I have the same issue with tensorflow.
I’m running HA on docker and tensorflow manually installed. I’l try and update tensorflow
My version of tensorflow is 1.14.0, HA 0.113.0 has a requirement of 1.13.2 so it fails…
Here is my log:

2020-07-23 10:40:11 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package tensorflow==1.13.2: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow==1.13.2 (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow==1.13.2
2020-07-23 10:40:11 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Platform error: image_processing - Requirements for tensorflow not found: ['tensorflow==1.13.2'].

Not sure why it’s happening. Works fine in 0.112.4 with the same version

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I Agree with your procedure. Everyone should take snapshots (before ALL upgrades, at the very least)