0.113: Automations & Scripts, and even more performance!

Hello I just updated to 0.113.3 and it changed the states of my automations from Off to ON. Was this intended?

Unfortunately I don’t see any entries in IP-Bans. I don’t think the IP ban would apply if I can access it successfully from the same IP address but a different browser, would it?

Update to this issue: I forced Firefox to start in Safe Mode, and was able to get back in with my regular browser session. After restarting it to be out of Safe Mode the fix sticks and works properly.

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So you keep saying. It is getting repetitive and tedious.


reduce the debug level down to error.

Can anybody help me understand what’s causing such behaviour:

This code works fine:

  alias: Sunrise
  mode: single
  - repeat:
      - data:
          brightness_step: 2
          entity_id: light.sonoff
        service: light.turn_on
      - delay:
          seconds: 1
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ repeat.index >= 124 or states.light.sonoff.state
          == ''off''}}'

And this one stops after one pass:

  alias: Sunrise
  mode: single
  - repeat:
      - data:
          brightness_step: 1
          entity_id: light.sonoff
        service: light.turn_on
      - delay:
          seconds: 1
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ repeat.index >= 124 or states.light.sonoff.state
          == ''off''}}'

It would seem that the 0.113 update moved python to version 3.8. and there’s not wheel file available for tensorflow 1.13.2 and python 3.8. to use python3.8, you need to upgrade to tensorflow 2.2 or above.

i’m looking into options… perhaps a manual downgrade to python3.7 is possible on docker. cant seem to find the apt program so things are proving a little more difficult.

If you are on docker then within the home assistant container there is no apt. Why would there be? The container is based on alpinelinux, which uses a different packaging system.

Has anyone else noticed that CPU utilisation tends to ramp up with time since the 0.113 update?

It’s not much (on my overspeced system) but is completely different to the level average utilisation I was seeing on 0.112 and earlier.

I found this to be caused by the fact that my card is an entity in an entities card. Using the Airvisual card stand alone works fine

  - type: entities
      - !include /config/lovelace/includes/include_aqi_woensdrecht.yaml
      - type: custom:auto-entities
          type: entities
          style: |
            ha-card {
              box-shadow: none;
              margin: 0px -16px -26px -16px;
          title: Air quality
        show_empty: false
            - entity_id: '*.luftdaten*'
            - entity_id: '*.u_s_*'
            - entity_id: '*.chinese_*'
            - entity_id: 'air_quality.*'
      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          type: section
          label: More Waqi info
          - type: custom:auto-entities
              type: entities
              style: |
                ha-card {
                  box-shadow: none;
                  margin: 0px -16px 0px -36px;
            show_empty: false
                - entity_id: 'sensor.waqi*'
                - state: '-'

wonder where the bug/issue lies, with the Airvisual card or with Lovelace…of course it could also be a user error :wink:

There have been some reports I think. Can’t find them right now. Symptoms included lock up and/or crippling slow down on lesser systems like pis.


Hi, where I can read info about that? I also have that problem, the use of the cpu goes up and ends up blocking

Yes, I’m in the same boat. Maybe zeroconf issues aren’t completely resolved with 0.113.3

You use the search function in the forum.

But I did it for you :slight_smile: However I am sure there was more than this thread: High CPU usage after 0.113

Thank you very much, I have been searching and reading several threads, I found one similar to my problem, in my case python3 seems to be what triggers the CPU consumption and blocks HA. Thanks again

My mistake, when i did uname -a i got ubuntu in the response so i figured it was an Ubuntu distro.

What packaging system does alpine use?

I there anyone else who is having a problem with the automatic refresh of the lovelace pages?
I am getting no refresh in many cards that are not updated automatically when the state change, and it will only happen after a reload of the page, especially for the media control cards (like mini-media-player. media-control, skyq component etc…)

Yes, especially history card… which is surprising as this is not custom card, but native.

Maybe because you use only single quotes in your template? I expect there a mix of double and single quotes.

The problem (strange behaiver), is that when I use any number in “brightness_step:” larger than 1 this script works until conditions are met as planed. But when I use “brightness_step: 1” this script iterates only once.

PS I checked - this is not caused by quotes.