0.114: Dark mode, Open Z-Wave progress and more automation & scripts

no i dont have that addon, thats why its not showing
But as mentioned this is nothing to do with HA core but the custom addon itself

I like the dark mode.

Is there any option to turn this off for the “map”? I cannot see anything, it’s almost all black…

Anybody know if the sql platform for sensors has been fixed yet? I rolled back to 0.113 and staying on this until I know more.

sensor: !include sensors.yaml
  - platform: sql
    db_url: mysql://hassio:password@core-mariadb/homeassistant?charset=utf8
    #db_url: mysql://homeassistant:[email protected]/homeassistant?charset=utf8

A small wish for the configuration panel:
I’d love to have the (17) functions/selections organized like the integrations panel. Then I wouldn’t have to scroll down to get to the logs etc.

@markusmazurczak - So for some reason my custom_components folder was missing, if I had to guess when haces removed the test/test repo they may have had a bug that deleted the folder entirely… Can you check to see if you have it ? /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/custom_components

@johntdyer - I am not able to detect that folder (using the web terminal):

~ $ find / -name "custom*"

yea, I bet it somehow got deleted like mine …

Try recreating it and installing HAC’s again and see if that allows you to at least get to HAC’s and then you can reinstall your plugins. My best guess is that this is a hac’s bug but I have not been able to reproduce it. That being that case w/o logs and means to reproduce it I doubt it will be taken seriously… :frowning:

Check out https://github.com/hacs/integration/issues/1470

@johntdyer - Well, that did the trick. I just created


and copied the hacs files from Github to that folder. After restarting HA everything was there again

update broke my HA, ive been getting this error for the past 45min.

2020-08-18 13:32:22 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: recorder

any help is appreciated.

Nvmd, Found the problem, .db was corrupted and over 15gb

I’ve just updated from v 0.110 to v114-1 and all charts stopped working.
I’ve many temperature sensors that send data to raspberry through MQTT.
I’ve checked that all messages are sent and received by home assistant because home assistant updates the value but unfortunately charts don’t work.
Here an example where you can see that there is no history, in addition the value drew is wrong compared to the real one (correctly displayed in the label)

And systemmonitor is gone again. No reboot or restart seems to help.

I’ve had that folder where it’s supposed to be but I still don’t have HACS. Tried removing it from integrations, removing the hacs folder from custom_components, rebooted, and then copied the folder back but when I try to set HACS up in integrations it’s stuck on Please wait while the integration is being installed with a spinning wheel and nothing is happening.

Works fine here. No logs?

The author of HACS has asked for issues to be put on github. This is not github.


I just added the new accuweather integration and it adds all the sensors automatically. No template sensors needed.

Thanks for creating the ticket in card-tools David!

I’m updating now :slight_smile:

It hasn’t resolved the issue for me, unfortunately