0.114: Dark mode, Open Z-Wave progress and more automation & scripts

It’s users that can flag a post. I don’t know the exact mechanism but I think at least two users must flag the same post before it gets “grayed out”. The moderators can clarify how it works.

Many months ago, I had one of my posts flagged because I made a snarky comment. After the initial WTF? moment, I understood how it was not in the spirit of community-building. As I recall, you get the opportunity to edit your own post and remove the offensive material. I did that and my post was immediately restored (i.e. no longer grayed out).

We are all capable of expressing our displeasure with how things work, without demeaning the efforts of the many people who volunteer their time to contribute to this project. I get it; no one wants their system to blow up and add another unwanted task to the weekend’s ‘job jar’. However, there are constructive ways of publicly voicing one’s displeasure that don’t involve toxic commentary.


Ive seen several posts but no firm answers. Like others, am getting the popup " Which card would you like to add" every time I refresh the default page, both via web and via iOS app. Anyone have any ideas here? Its the same behavior as if I hit the ‘+’ sign. Started with 0.114.

Update or remove card-tools if you are no longer using it.

Ya, tried that - no change.

Well that’s what worked for everyone else. Try clearing your browser cache.

Found it. Even though I had removed card tools, it was still in the resources list. removed from there and all good. thanks.

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(My emphasis)

I’m a bit late to the party here, I’m still on 113 but maybe I’m late to two parties?
Isn’t card-tools required for many custom cards?

Thomas has said there are better ways of doing the things it does and few of his cards use it now,

Love this update !! HomeAssistant is going higher and higher and that’s so cool !!

But, please, is there a way to disable this annoying pop-up asking what card I want to add to Lovelace at very page load ? :slight_smile:
Pleaaaase !! :slight_smile:

Are you using any custom cards?

I had the same pop-up appear every time I restarted Home Assistant:

Which card would you like to add to your “Overview” view?

It was due to the custom card: Template Entity Row.

I was only experimenting with it so, in my case, I simply commented it out from the resources section of configuration.yaml and all references to it in ui-lovelace.yaml (because I’m using Lovelace in YAML mode).

If I still needed to use the custom card I would need to update its source code from the author’s repo.

I’ll check that when I’ll be back at home but I think that I installed this custom card long time ago.

Thanks a lot ! :slight_smile:

you might be mistaken here, it’s the secondaryinfo-entity-row custom card using the card-tools. It needs that explicitly installed, and that caused the issue at hand. there is a now closed issue for that, which really should still be open…

As Thomas has said, no card should need card-tools explicitly any more, and the end user shouldn’t need to have it installed.

since secondaryinfo-entity-row hasn’t updated to the latest ‘should be’, it still needs that card-tools installed. Which has been updated itself to no longer cause the issue…

Yeah it was card-tools - in my case secondaryinfo-entity-row was the only custom-card I had using it as well.I replaced that with a different card from Thomas and then deleted both card tools and the row one as well but Thomas fixed card-tools while 0.113.0 was in beta anyway so I was not seeing that error.

If you are having issues with dark mode on the app one way to have a work around is to use another theme. That is how I was able to get around the dark mode. You will have to have other themes installed but it is an option.

What card did you replace it with David?

This is the only reason I still use card tools too.


          - type: entities
            title: Harmony Remote
            state_color: true
            show_header_toggle: false
              - switch.harmony
              - entity: remote.harmony_hub
                type: "custom:template-entity-row"
                secondary: "{{ state_attr('remote.harmony_hub', 'current_activity') }}"
                style: |
                  :host {
                    {% if is_state('switch.harmony', 'on') %}
                    {% else %}
                    {% endif %}


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I’ve just tried it and it worked!

yes, using T-e-r myself for something like that too, still hoping a toggle will be supported somewhere in the future, so we can completely replace the S-e-r card.

          - type: custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row
            entity: switch.boiler_bijkeuken
            # state_color: true not needed using customized icon colors
            secondary_info: 'Actueel verbruik: [[ sensor.boiler_bijkeuken_actueel ]] watt'

          - type: custom:template-entity-row
            entity: switch.boiler_bijkeuken
            # active: >
            #  {{is_state(config.entity,'on')}}
            secondary: >
              Actueel verbruik: {{states('sensor.boiler_bijkeuken_actueel')}} watt

After the 0.114 I’ve seen the deconz stop a few times, really strange?

Its been happening to me (and others) since 0.113:

For me, it seems to have stopped recently