0.115: B-Day release! Media browser, tags, automations & WTH

have you find the answer? also, what are the configurable options for this card?

This release has fixed by biggest problem Iā€™ve had. Insteon (actually x10) was my starting point into Smart Home and that was about 10 years ago. Home Assistant had been seeing 7 of my 11 Motion Sensors and 13 of my 14 Dimmer Switches. I love Insteon and these other devices have worked correctly through the Home Assistant, but 5 of them just wouldnā€™t join the gang for the fun.
On this new release now when I add them through the Device Override, theyā€™ve now joined the crew and are working with all their brothers and sisters. I want to offer my thanks and appreciation to TEHarris. Iā€™ve watched the work heā€™s done on GitHub to help mature Insteon in the Home Assistant environment. Thatā€™s no small challenge, given how peculiar and picky Insteon can be. Insteon always plays well with itself, but many times doesnā€™t like to play well with others.
Thanks for all your hard work TEHarris, itā€™s really appreciated!

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Iā€™m wondering if some time-based sensor update confusion/complexity could be mitigated by borrowing scan_interval: from Command Line Sensor for updating entity-less sensors.

This would avoid the complexity of requiring simple interval-based automations as a trigger, at least as described in Templates.

You could set static IPs for your phones instead of using reserved IPs on the router. Then your phone just declares what IP itā€™s going to use and will always use that one. Typically youā€™d do this outside the range your DHCP server is assigning IPs, but it has to be within the same subnet.

try removing the dot after states:

{{ states | count }}

Thanks, this was just a test, the question is, why does HA log it as an error, if the template tool is just for evaluating templates?

I agree. Seems unnecessary

Oh OK. Didnā€™t get that.

But from what Iā€™ve read that is an expected behavior to log errors from the template editor now.

But I think I remember seeing something about a ā€œfixā€ to suppress those errors being in the works.

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That would be very helpful, especially for noobs like me.

Did you manage to get this working? Still not working for me on 115.2.

Yea Iā€™ve just tried it over wifi to the nabu casa URL in Chrome Android and the same issue.
Iā€™ve also tested in Windows Chrome and the same but it doesnā€™t crap out completely. It feels like a Nabu Casa issue, maybe bandwidth with all the streaming going via the proxy?

Another problem is this error in the log when connecting locally to HA on Android app and playing via the media browser:

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from G8S-ThinQ (192.168.x.x) (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; LM-G810 Build/QKQ1.200614.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/85.0.4183.127 Mobile Safari/537.36)

The playback stopped after 5 seconds and I was unable to resume it. Every time I clicked on the play it started from beginning and stopped again.

EDIT: The second error maybe due to a corrupt recording I was trying to play. Iā€™ve raised a ticket with Nabu Casa and theyā€™ve come back and said thereā€™s a 2mb throughput limit! News to me.

OTOH I can see value if an error message tells you something about why your template fails.

Definitely. That info should just be shown on the template editor window though

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Definitely. That info should just be shown on the template editor window though

I think this would be very helpful

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Yep. Thatā€™s the only place itā€™s even usefulā€¦

Iā€™d like to add my vote of thanks for everyone who contributed to this release.
In particular:
@Frenk - I know a few people didnā€™t read the breaking changes :wink: but I found the use of
"Instead of ā€¦ use ā€¦"
a really good way to show what and how to change. I updated my Broadlink with no problems thanks to this. Thanks!

@pnbruckner - Before this release, I had a ā€œsimpleā€ time trigger based on an input_datetime:

  - platform: template
    value_template: '{{ states.sensor.time.state == (states.input_datetime.coffee_start_time.attributes.timestamp | int | timestamp_custom("%H:%M", False)) }}'

  - platform: time
    at: input_datetime.coffee_start_time 

SO much nicer! :clap:


It is actually even more annoying than that.
Just try typing slowly in the Telmplate Editor and watch your logsā€¦

Thatā€™s what caught my attention.

Did you try to add target?

for ex.

  - service: notify.telegram_id_{{ trigger.event.data.user_id }}
      message: 'Test'
      target: CHANNEL_ID

I think that before you didnā€™t need to specify it and it used first from the list, but now you have to add it.

in the ongoing process of rewriting templates and automations triggers and conditions to replace templates, I was wondering if rewriting below condition without template

  - condition: template
    value_template: >
      {{states('device_tracker.life360_marijn') != 'home'}}

would need to be done like:

  condition: not
    - condition: state
      entity_id: device_tracker.life360_marijn
      state: 'home'

we cant leave out ā€˜conditions:ā€™ can we? even if this would be the only one?

and if this set of Not conditions were to be part of the larger set of conditions, write it like this:

      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.espresso_notified
        state: 'off'
      - condition: time
        after: '06:00:00'
        before: '22:00:00'
      - condition: not
          - condition: state
            entity_id: device_tracker.life360_marijn
            state: 'home'

though that still seems a bit more complex than

  - condition: >
      {{states('device_tracker.life360_marijn') != 'home'}}

which if I understand it correctly is now possible tooā€¦ suppose that wonā€™t be less efficient for the system.