0.116: Entities card row editor, restore snapshots and performance metrics

The easy explanation: It’s monitored by 2 different observers, at 2 different points in time.
They will never be identical.

Release 0.116.1 broke Yeelight integration. All bulbs is unavailable. Problem fix only after downgrade ha to 0.116.0

I hear ya, but my memory use never drops anywhere close to the figure reported in the barcharts. Barchart has been hovering around 11% all morning, system monitor never drops below 20…

Thanks @petro that worked, much appreciated!

I upgraded to 0.116.1 and It looks as if the iCloud integration logs in to iCloud very often. As from today I get a popup that my Apple ID is used to login a new device. Is there a way to check this? I can’t think of any other device but HA, since it says it’s a Linux machine doing it and it started right after the upgrade. Restarting HA and removing/adding the integration does not help.

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How do I get to the entities row editor? It is not under entities card

same here, yeelights not working anymore. need a fix ASAP, please!

“Need ASAP” ??? seriously ? have you buy homeassistant ? are you aware that HASS is developed by volunteers ?
a little respect for them, please…


My yeelights started working again after the new .2 update

@lv-88 thank you so much for the feedback, I’ll try it now.

no hassle of course, thanks a lot !
works fine now in 0.116.2 :slight_smile:

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Moved them to binary_sensor domain and all is working. Thanks for the help!

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k both guides were very similar so i kinda combined them. Ended up installing python 3.8.6 and during the last steps of starting hass for the first time, all hell broke lose. Many errors related to pillow (legacy PIL) missing dependencies for jpeg. Installed them and started hass again, things were better but wiped out my lovelace completely! Below is what I used. Will try using a later release of python 3.8.x and give it a go again. Any advice? Wasn’t able to find much on hass and pillow.

#Installing dependencies used to build from source
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt-get install build-essential tk-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline6-dev libdb5.3-dev libgdbm-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libbz2-dev libexpat1-dev liblzma-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev

#Download Python and unpack
cd /tmp
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.6/Python-3.8.6.tgz
tar xzvf Python-3.8.6.tgz
cd Python-3.8.6

#Compile, Install, and cleanup
./configure --enable-optimizations
make -j 4  //~20min
sudo make install
sudo apt -y autoremove
cd ..
sudo rm Python-3.8.6.tgz
sudo rm -R Python-3.8.6

#Prepare Hass and backup installation
cd /srv/
sudo systemctl stop [email protected]
sudo mv /srv/homeassistant /srv/homeassistant_bak
sudo mkdir /srv/homeassistant
sudo chown homeassistant:homeassistant -R /srv/homeassistant
sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
cd /home/homeassistant/
mv .homeassistant/ .homeassistant_bak

#Install Python in virtual environment, install Hass and update PIP
cd /srv/homeassistant
python3.8 -m venv .
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
pip3 install homeassistant==0.115.6 //replace with latest version you used not released
pip install --upgrade pip

#Copy back configuration files
hass  //Wait a minute, press ctrl + c
cd /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant 
rm -R *
cd .. 
mv .homeassistant_bak/* .homeassistant/
rm -R .homeassistant_bak/
sudo reboot

If pillow is a requirement it should have been downloaded when you first ran homeassistant in the new venv, but sometimes the downloads fail for one reason or another. pip3 install pillow in the venv should fix that.

Presuming you backed up your lovelace as part of what you did, then it should not be affected by upgrading python. Are you sure it’s not because your homeassistant instance has updated at the same time and you have some invalid configuration? I know that recently a lot of people have had problems with lovelace when they upgraded because they had things in there that were invalid but previously they were ignored so they hadn’t noticed, and removing the offending entries fixed the dashboards.

I have the same problem. Any ideas what caused it or how to find the culprit? There is no error in any log i could find. Just all MQTT devices report as unavailable/orphaned

No one else here experiencing google tts pronouncing dates as spelled months O C T instead of ‘October’ ?

Just updated to 116.2 and the first thing I noticed was the startup announcement still being spelled …

With the option horizontal-stack being removed how can I natively force a 3 column layout?

I usually enable panel mode and then nest the custom vertical-stack-in-card with a type: horizontal-stack at the end to have a 3 column layout. This seems to be broken in 0.116 beacause the cards are not completely shown and even a cache clear does not help.

I’m having the same issue with Apple iCloud integration. I remove the integration and still keep getting the messages that a computer is trying to access my iCloud account. I had to shut my machine down because it was popping up messages every few minutes.

Pretty painless update, other than the markdown card formatting changing again.

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Same problem here - reboot of the system helped 4 me.