0.116: Entities card row editor, restore snapshots and performance metrics

In 0.116.1 System Metrics stopped to show graphs:
Screenshot 2020-10-08 at 10.19.44
Was working fine with 0.116

Yes,the yeelight integration crashed


Still having the same errors with the vertical-stack and horizontal-stack cards in 116.1 as well.


type: horizontal-stack
  - type: vertical-stack
      - !include cards/weathercard.yaml
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.cc_weather_precipitation_probability_0d
            name: Chance of rain
          - entity: sensor.cc_weather_precipitation_accumulation_0d
            name: Rainfall today
          - entity: sensor.weather_wind_dir
            name: Wind direction
            icon: 'mdi:weather-windy'
        type: entities
  - entities:
      - entity: sensor.nextsunrise
      - entity: sensor.sun_location
    type: entities
  - type: history-graph
    hours_to_show: 80
    title: 'Rainfall Last 7 days'
      - sensor.cc_weather_precipitation_accumulation_0d
path: default_view
title: Weather

It’s your browser, does not show in browsers like firefox.
Has been fixed and will be a part of the next supervisor update

I’ve reverted back to 115.6 until whatever’s stopping Smartthings from working is working again. At least all my sensors are back online mow.

I have tried in FF and Chrome, also cleared cache in both. No luck.

EDIT: Disregard ludeeus, I see you were responding to someone else…Sorry

Same here. Yeelights were fine on 0.116 and stopped working on 0.116.1.

And thats weird, there’s nothing Yeelight related in the notes.


Same here, with version 0.116.1, Netatmo and Yeelight integration are not working.

Error setting up entry Configuration.yaml for netatmo --> ValueError: Handler is already defined!

Error while setting up netatmo platform for sensor --> KeyError: ‘temp_trend’

Yeelight --> AttributeError: module ‘yeelight.transitions’ has no attribute ‘randomloop’

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same problem, since 0.116.1 netatmo and Yeelight stopped working

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type isn’t a valid option for views. Your code should be:

  - title: Lights
    path: default_view
      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: entities
            title: Lights

I would assume that @olddawgpowers, @jgosnell and @bastero have the same issue.

Has sys.monitor deprecated? After upgrading, I get the following message:

Invalid config

The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:
* [sensor.systemmonitor](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/systemmonitor)
Invalid config for [sensor.systemmonitor]: Mandatory 'arg' is missing for sensor type 'process'. for dictionary value @ data['resources']. Got [OrderedDict([('type', 'disk_free')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'disk_use'), ('arg', '/home')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'disk_use_percent'), ('arg', '/home')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'memory_free')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'memory_use')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'memory_use_percent')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'process')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'processor_use')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'last_boot')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'ipv4_address'), ('arg', 'eth0')]), OrderedDict([('type', 'ipv6_address'), (.... (See ?, line ?). 

Yep, just as I suspected. You have type as an option for your view. This is not correct. See my previous post.

Anything in your logs?

Take a look at the release notes, you need to configure all the required arguments for system monitor. Here’s a link to the breaking changes.

You’re missing ‘arg’ for ‘process


  - platform: systemmonitor
      - type: processs
        arg: #<---- MISSING (Make sure to fill it out too, don't leave it blank)
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I have a base lovelace yaml that calls my individual views. Does that change your thoughts on this? This worked in 115 and broke immediately after upgrading to 116. All other views that are called still work. None of them use vertical-stack or horizontal-stack cards within though.
lovelace-ui.yaml (file for dashboard)

title: Home
  - !include lovelace/weather.yaml
  - !include lovelace/homestatus.yaml
  - !include lovelace/lights.yaml
  - !include lovelace/media.yaml
  - !include lovelace/nas.yaml


type: horizontal-stack
  - type: vertical-stack
      - !include cards/weathercard.yaml
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.cc_weather_precipitation_probability_0d
            name: Chance of rain
          - entity: sensor.cc_weather_precipitation_accumulation_0d
            name: Rainfall today
          - entity: sensor.weather_wind_dir
            name: Wind direction
            icon: 'mdi:weather-windy'
        type: entities
  - entities:
      - entity: sensor.nextsunrise
      - entity: sensor.sun_location
    type: entities
  - type: history-graph
    hours_to_show: 80
    title: 'Rainfall Last 7 days'
      - sensor.cc_weather_precipitation_accumulation_0d
path: default_view
title: Weather
  - user: eb83e5084ee2481ab888cc564da793cc

Same issues with Netatmo in 0.116.1 as mentioned above.
For me the Climate side works fine but Weather Station throwing errors

As a quick workaround taking the netatmo component from 0.116 (https://github.com/home-assistant/core/archive/0.116.0.zip) and copying in as a custom_component has me back up and running :+1:

Only change in the component between 116 and 116.1 is around bumping pyatmo version to 4.1.0 so must be something around this :thinking:

Nope, the problem is this line right here:

Simply remove it. It’s doing nothing anyways (and did nothing in the past).

Hi all, I have just updated my home assistant but for some strange reason Netatmo integration refuses to work all of a sudden. There where no breaking changes noted??

this is there error log that I get:

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: components/netatmo/sensor.py:252 
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 11:17:48 PM (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 11:17:48 PM

Error while setting up netatmo platform for sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 193, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/netatmo/sensor.py", line 159, in async_setup_entry
    async_add_entities(await find_entities(data_class_name), True)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/netatmo/sensor.py", line 150, in find_entities
    NetatmoSensor(data_handler, data_class_name, module, condition)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/netatmo/sensor.py", line 252, in __init__
    f"{MANUFACTURER} {self._device_name} {SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][0]}"
KeyError: 'temp_trend'

Does any of you know what this could be?

Thanks! Removing that line got rid of the errors. I did have additional cards in that view that I was forcing to be placed horizontally (or so I thought) and all worked. I am back in business and sorry to waste your time.

So this has been broken for a while?

No, it’s never been a valid option for a view. I’d assume that HA is now enforcing proper yaml where it did not care in 0.115 and lower. So it never did anything in the past because type was just ignored.