0.116: Entities card row editor, restore snapshots and performance metrics

Hi @aceindy and thanks for your reply.
I moved on to 0.116.1 and the problem seemed to have disappeared.
However, as I use SQLite there is no .db2 to delete (am I right?)

I’ve been holding off on that resource, because I’ve never really known what this does… what other arguments could we use, besides the ‘octave-cli’ mentioned in the documentation?

the source doesn’t list any options;


I’ve tried it anyways :wink:

not having a clue what this means:

It is a bug introduced in 0.116.1. A fix is already merged for 0.116.2.

CC: @Gav_in @guiguiabloc @TheBisk @mirekmal @tron @Msv1

Sorry for the hassle.


Nope, cleared the cache. And it was working fine with 0.116…

am completely misunderstanding the fact we should now be able to use entity_globs in our history, logbook and recorder configs?

using this:

  - sensor.*_power_daystart
  - sensor.*_usage_daystart
  - sensor.*_calibrated_temperature
  - sensor.*_actueel
  - sensor.*_state
  - sensor.*_totaal
  - sensor.calculated*
  - sensor.l1*
  - sensor.l2*
  - sensor.l3*
  - sensor.teller1*
  - sensor.teller2*
  - sensor.zp*
  - sensor.solaredge_*
  - sensor.speedtest*

in an included file in all 3, and all I see are flatliners since:

using this for recorder, used as main filter for the full system. Nothing included here will be recorded and pass to history and logbook:

db_url: !secret db_url
purge_keep_days: 5

  !include logged_entities.yaml

    - service_removed
    - service_executed
    - platform_discovered
    - homeassistant_start
    - homeassistant_stop
    - feedreader
    - service_registered
    - call_service
    - component_loaded
    - logbook_entry
    - system_log_event
    - automation_triggered
    - script_started
    - timer_out_of_sync

    - alarm_control_panel
    - alert
    - automation
    - binary_sensor
    - camera
    - climate
    - counter
    - cover
    - device_tracker
    - geo_location
    - group
    - input_boolean
    - input_datetime
    - input_number
    - input_select
    - input_text
    - light
    - media_player
    - proximity
    - remote
    - scene
    - script
    - sensor
    - sun
    - switch
    - timer
    - updater
    - variable
    - weather
    - zone

and only include the entities in the ‘logged_entities.yaml’ which is also the only include for my logbook.yaml and history.yaml.

Hey, when did this happen?
NICE, finally easy to change the IP :slight_smile:

Starting from version 0.116 entities card with header_toggle and ‘custom:slider-entity-row’ do not work together. Header_toggle do not reflects state of ‘custom:slider-entity-row’ and do not control it’s state:

Same here, KeyError: ‘temp_trend’ error for Netatmo.

I was expecting, that pyhomematic would be updated in this release:

Seems like, it was not. Does anyone know why or when it will be included in Home Assistant?

no hassle…
easily mitigated for one and secondly we’d have nothing at all without your good work on the component :+1:


Thanks for the kind and encouraging words.


That’s an issue to raise with the custom card developer.

Not sure about the exact supervisor release, but at least since 0.115 https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/09/16/supervisor-joins-the-party/#network-manager

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with 0.116.1 not work yeelight integration end meteo station netatmo

also for me crash

same issue

116 seems to have broken Poeschl’s local PicoTTS add on again. Calling tts.picotts_remote_say from the SERVICES tab, with a correct media player in entity_id and a message, results in this error:

Failed to call service tts.picotts_remote_say: 'en-GB' not a Frame instance.

en-GB is the language I’ve set in my configuration.yaml:

  - platform: picotts_remote
    host: 'localhost'
    port: 59126
    language: 'en-GB'
    cache: false

Looks like 0.116.1 makes Yeelight to fail. It works fine on 0.116.0

Surely Supervisor CPU use - is telling you how much CPU is being used in total by everything that the supervisor controls (ie Home Assistant + all the addons), while system monitor is only telling you what the home assistant process itself is using? Because Home Assistant runs inside a docker container, it can only tell you what CPU use of the docker container itself is?