0.117.0 continual memory increase

Also, how can I monitor the memory by process? What procedure allows me to do that on the Raspberry Pi?

Same problem here…

I had the same when upgrading to 0.116.x, not fixed by 0.117.x

Does your CPU do the same?

I’ve decided to stick with 0.115.6 for now (the flat bit at the end of the graph).

Same problem. also rolled back to 116.4 than ram keeps round 5
upgrade to 117 and ram keeps climbing to 50 and counting.

Yes, there was a gradual increase in processor use too, but not as substantial as yours. It would usually sit at around 4% but it did rise in the same pattern.

There is a possible looping bug related to “ONVIF” in configs or add-ons. I don’t use ONVIF for cameras, however there is now a 0.117.2 release which fixes that bug.

I’m in the middle of updating to the 0.117.2 release now, and I’ll report back in a few hours if I see the same issues.

And I can confirm that’s a NEGATIVE fix by updating to 0.117.2, as you can see in the graph attached.

It’s only been running a few hours and it seems to be on the same path to mass memory use. I’ve added the “Holt Winters” projection method, and it also shows it’s predicting a similar path to massive memory usage over time.

Same here as you. (Siriusgen)

Another one here. Version 0.117.2 does not fix the issue for me.

FWIW, this morning at around 9:00 I upgraded from 0.116.4 to 0.117.2. Everything to left of the graph’s spike is 0.116.4 and to the right is 0.117.2.

It’s showing slightly less memory consumption (i.e. slightly higher free memory).

I suspect the reports of increasing memory consumption (i.e. a memory leak) might be due to one or more integrations.

It does seem that way. I have disabled all add-ons one by one to see if I can find the issue. With every add-on disabled, it’s still happening. Strange goings on, and I can’t figure it out at my end.

The issue is likely not with Addons, it’s with Integrations. Addons run in separate containers and have no direct impact on the Home Assistant service.

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Ah, thank you for letting me know that. In which case I will eliminate all the integrations and add them back one-by-one and see if I can track it down…

After updating to 0.117.2, I’ve been deleting integrations and rebooting for the last few hours to identify which integration is the problem. I have it down to three possible integrations that are causing this:

Tile, Ring, and Network UPS Tool.

@joshward9182 @d43m0n Do you guys have any of these three integrations running?

I haven’t none, but I have the same problem.
My integration:

  • broadlink
  • brother
  • phoscon
  • google cast
  • hacs
  • local ip
  • mobile app
  • mosquitto broker
  • sonos
  • xiaomi aqara gateway

I am seeing this issue as well, yet less visible (got plenty of ram in the proxmox system running my HA Docker).

Hypothesis: In another forum (in Dutch language) someone reported issues with the esphome integration, zeroconf and default config as well: they did not setup correctly (which is strange for default config). If I look at the common denominator here (it is part of some piece of core), could it be zeroconf or networking related? I see a lot of integrations listed that rely on zeroconf. It’s only a hunch though…

How could we potentially verify what is eating all this RAM?

My plan was to stop all Add-Ons and then restart them one at a time. However, @hunterjm is correct in that it’s more likely an “Integration” issue and not an “Add-On” issue.

So I am now in the process of removing all Integrations from Configuration > Integrations and starting without any (which causes the issue to go away). I wrote down all my previous Integrations and so I am adding them a few at a time, and then rebooting. And then monitoring the Memory Use graph I have in Grafana.

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@SiriusGen I have the Ring integration.

I will upgrade, remove Ring and monitor over the next couple of hours.

… I think it’s Ring.

I’ve added all my other integrations back on, and the only one missing now is Ring. I’m about to reboot and then head to bed (been on night shifts) so will see if the memory is used up through the day. If not, I will add Ring and see what happens.

EDIT: This was incorrect. I also hadn’t added the BROTHER printer integration back on…

Yet in the Github issue I don’t see Ring with other affected users…

Suggest you post your reports and results here:

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