0.118: Grid and logbook cards, quick navigation, native template types

Oh I’m so sorry @balloob, but I’ve searched that page and haven’t found it. Thank you very much


    Found existing installation: typing-extensions 3.6.6
    Uninstalling typing-extensions-3.6.6:
      Successfully uninstalled typing-extensions-3.6.6
Successfully installed typing-extensions-

It’s working now. Should’ve figured it out myself. I am sorry and thank you very much for your help.

Has anybody figured out how colorExtractor works? I tryed several pngs using url and path, also tryed to pass spotify entity_picture data, but nothing works. Mostly I get error on invalid url when execute service. But I use the same logic as in the example.

I had an occurrence where I couldn’t change the colors of my Yeelight bulbs after upgrading to 0.118. I restarted HA and it works again. I hope it won’t happen again …

Anyone else unable to load the RELEASE NOTES?
It just flickers and seams to reload forever.

The link indeed is messed up.

The one in the rhs table works though

Hate to do a me too, but me too.

Mine are just “unavailable”. Restart HA/reboot server/ power cycle Yeelight bulbs doesn’t change anything. Rolled back to 0.117.6 :frowning:

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If those are external URLs, are they whitelisted?


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Thanks guys, well done!
Went smoothly from .117 to .118

has this been noted already:
last_updated showing invalid date in /developer-tools/state:

If anything should probably Unknown, or None, but Invalid date is kinda awkward?

Is it possible to change the keyboard shortcut for the Quick Bar to something more standardized like Ctrl+Space?

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See here what I wrote:

Yep, my mistake. Whitelisting urls helps, component work. But still can not figure how to add album cover from spotify to the url. Having spotify url as:


The example given is quite different from how you’re trying to use it.
I would try to adapt their example to your use case.

    - service: color_extractor.turn_on
        color_extract_url: '{{ states.media_player.chromecast.attributes.entity_picture }}'
        entity_id: light.shelf_leds

-Example taken from the docs.

Just did this, overwriting the files in my current hacs folder but the issue persists.

and you restarted HA after you updated HACS?

I neither don’t know if formatting the numbers with comma / point according to the language setting was a good idea (#7516). In general yes (of course, I always like new features!!), but now there is a mix all over my visualisation as a lot of cards do not not support this. Before a point was not correct (for Germany), but it was consistent.

Is there any chance to temporary disable this new feature till all cards support it?
By the way --> the native gauge card does neither support it.

Thank you

EDIT: The change is only applicable for the frontend, which means that the backend still only support the old format. Even more I would appreciate on option in the frontend for language specific number format.


What you should do is raise an issue with the custom cards that do not yet support it.