0.35: Text-to-speech, VLC, Flic, netdata

5000 stars on GitHub, 2000 people in our chatroom and over a million monthly page views. I don’t think we could wish for a better place to be at the end of 2016. Feels like an early Christmas present! Our early one for you is 0.35. It’s not a single thing inside a nice wrapping, more like several little gifts inside the 0.35 box.

This will be the last release of 2016 as our developers are taking a well deserved break. We will be back in 2017!

Text to Speech

With the addition of a text-to-speech component by @pvizeli we have been able to bring Home Assistant to a whole new level. The text-to-speech component will take in any text and will play it on a media player that supports to play media. We have tested this on Sonos, Chromecast, and Google Home.


Call for help with HASSbian (our Raspberry Pi image)

In an effort to make Home Assistant, we’re planning to extend the things that people can do out of the box with HASSbian, our Raspberry Pi image. As you might know, the image is currently maintained by @Landrash. However he also spends a lot of time on improving the docs and helping out with a ton of other things.

So if you know your Linux-foo and would love to contribute to open source, join the developer chat and take a stab at one of our open issues.

VLC media player, Broadlink, and GPSLogger

Let you control VLC media player and play sound on connected speakers.

This Broadlink switch platform allow to you control Broadlink RM2 Pro and RM mini IR+RF devices. This Broadlink sensor platform adds support for Broadlink RM2 and A1 Devices.

The GPSLogger now also supports attributes as the speed, direction, altitude, provider, and activity.

All changes

Release 0.35.1 - December 18

Some issues have been reported with TTS that will be addressed by 0.35.1. The TTS component had issues linking the media player to the right media file if you were using Docker or SSL certificates. This can be fixed by exposing to your HTTP config what URL you use for hosting Home Assistant:

  base_url: example.duckdns.org
  • Fix exit hanging on OS X with async logging (@balloob)
  • Fix Text to speech clearing cache (@pvizeli)
  • Allow setting a base API url in HTTP component (@balloob)
  • Fix occasional errors in automation (@pvizeli)

Release 0.35.2 - December 19

  • When base url specified, do not combine it with server_port (@balloob)

Release 0.35.3 - December 23

  • Fix issue with voicerrs and post api (@pvizeli)
  • Fix async component update on service calls (@pvizeli)
  • Fix async log handle do not close (@pvizeli)
  • Fix nest component with various KeyError exceptions (@technicalpickles)

If you need help…

…don’t hesitate to use our Forum or join us for a little chat. The release notes have comments enabled but it’s preferred if you use the former communication channels. Thanks.

Reporting Issues

Experiencing issues introduced by this release? Please report them in our issue tracker. Make sure to fill in all fields of the issue template.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://home-assistant.io/blog/2016/12/17/text-to-speech-aquostv-flic-zamg/