I have just upgraded to 0.46.1, and start getting the state is deprecated warning in my logs. SO went to the forum search for state deprecated and read these:
Out of these 3 I could not get any relaxing help. The first one is mentioning trigger conditions, which is rather confusing, because AFAIK somthing is a trigger or a condition. There are no such things as trigger condition.
But leaving that out and having this automation:
# TV lampa le
alias: 'LIGHT - TV lampa le'
platform: state
entity_id: device_tracker.tv
to: 'not_home'
condition: state
entity_id: 'input_boolean.tvnezes'
state: 'on'
- service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: switch.tv
- service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.tvnezes
(Which was working uptill now)
Now it is generating the warnings, but if change the condition ‘state: on’ to ‘to: on’ gives an error that says:
2017-06-15 14:30:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [automation]: extra keys not allowed @ data['condition'][0]['to']. Got None
not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['condition'][0]['condition']. Got None. (See /opt/homeassistant/configuration.yaml, line 79). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/automation/
I do not wish to start a debate (again) on the lingvistics. Which way is it the more logical, but someone who understands this new way of state definition, please show me the right way, how these kind of automations will work again.
thanks guys for the replies, but as usual this was also a “user error”. i have read the logs wrong. the deprecated warning in the log preceed the automation rule loading that is wrong. (i thought the other way around. ha tries to load the automation and then gives a warning message)
So the quoted automation rule has nothing wrong with it, the following rule was the one that was wrong.