0.47.x, Alexa, Emulated Hue and Z-Wave issues

Ever since upgrading to 0.47.x and utilizing the new Z-Wave names, Alexa seems to be broken when using the Emulated_Hue component to control a Z-Wave light/switch/fan (specifically GE). Can anyone help me figure out why Alexa is struggling to read my Z-Wave devices?

Here is the revelant information:


node_id: 3
old_entity_id: switch.closet_light_switch_3_0
icon: mdi:lightbulb
value_index: 0
friendly_name: Closet Light
new_entity_id: switch.closet_light_switch
value_instance: 1

Service Request/Utterance

turn off closet light

Service Response

  "version": "1.0",
  "response": {
    "outputSpeech": {
      "type": "PlainText",
      "text": "I am sorry, I do not know where off light is."
    "card": {
      "content": "Some more content",
      "title": "Sample title",
      "type": "Simple"
    "shouldEndSession": true
  "sessionAttributes": {}

API XML Results

modelid	"HASS123"
name	"Closet Light"
bri	0
on	false
reachable	true
swversion	"123"
type	"Dimmable light"
uniqueid	"switch.closet_light_switch"

I have had some issues today too.

ā€œecho, living room light offā€


But the light didnā€™t switch off.

Itā€™s something to do with the new Zwave changes, when I first upgraded I kept getting ā€œliving room is not respondingā€ so had to redo the associations in the Alexa app, but I havenā€™t sussed out this new ā€œokā€ when it hasnā€™t worked sketch yet.

Similar problems. To fix it:

I moved my configs to the new naming and set the flag to use that in the zwave section. Then deleted from the Alexa app all devices and let it rescan.

This worked and my wife is happy :wink:

I think somehow the customize section where you set the echo name and such gets disassociated when the legacy naming mode is used; and setting the new naming fixes it.

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Yeah, I think Iā€™ve sussed it. I did all that, but I didnā€™t go in to the app and ā€˜forgetā€™ the duplicates, so I think half the time it was switching off the wrong living room light. Will see how it goes :slight_smile:

I did the same thing, but didnā€™t forget all my old devices in Alexa. Once I did that, she started working again. Although, the developer.amazon.com interface will no longer process the commands correctly like it used to. My custom skills/intents work fine through the interface though.