0.54 upgrade takes forever

I just ran the upgrade from .53.1 to .54 and could not get the web UI to come up. No errors, and running journalctl -fu didn’t show any issues. After a couple of restarts and reboots I was just about ready to roll back to the previous release when I was able to connect.

So before you give up, walk away and give it 30 minutes before doing anything drastic.

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It’s building openzwave and if you watch htop you will see this

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Yup, on a Pi3 or lower you can reasonably assume that any upgrade can take 20 to 30 minutes, and more.

Be patient, rebooting or restarting during the upgrade can break your install. If in doubt, SSH on to your system and watch top/htop or whatever your favourite tool is (I’m personally quite a fan of netdata) and watch to see if the CPU is busy. If the CPU is busy, it’s likely compiling something.

You can also watch the console log (journalctl -f -u home-assistant on most Linux systems if you’re using systemd) to watch what’s going on.


More like several hours :stuck_out_tongue: You can’t ssh in as it uses all of the cpu, you can’t do anything if its already started either :stuck_out_tongue:

Not true, I always install latest, reboot, ssh in to watch it build and come online

That’s on a rpi3 so not a powerhouse. Compile only consumes one core 100%

Can you or some one else explain, how to watch the install, using SSH???

Use top or htop and watch cpu usage. When compiling it will be close to 100%.

I just finished Upgrading to 0.54, and it only took about 4 minutes.
Is it possible that when “dap35” upgraded, he did it during a “Prime Time”… Just a thought…

I typically run journalctl -fu home-assistant.service when restarting after an upgrade. I saw nothing there that there were issues during the upgrade, or that it was still happening… Tracking CPU utilization is a good idea. NMON while a bit more old school, is my favorite (http://nmon.sourceforge.net/pmwiki.php)

It took my RPi3 about 10 minutes to hit the reboot stage and then just a couple after that to come up.

Took about 10 mins on my pi3, with an ssd rather than sd card.

Watching top it was compiling something so I just left it.