0.81.1 updated, now Hassio gone, need tips please


while working just fine, and in the middle of a file search over Samba, all of a sudden my Hassio is gone. No connection via Samba, no more SSH, no Frontend, either via Duckdns or ip adress, nor Hassio.local

Ive rebooted the router, all else is working fine, even my second Rpi3 Hassos instance, so I am not completely lost…

Is this the proverbial SD card fried, or can I do something else. Ive pulled the cord and restarted , and the leds are blinking as if all is in order…

please tell me I can do something else before starting all over ?

Sounds like you are on a Pi, plug a monitor in and see what the output says.

All network debugging starts with ping, so start with ping.

However are you sure you don’t just need to clear your browser cache? ctrl-f5 on chrome.

Ping is alright, zero packet loss, but its about the only thing I can do. I can’t browse to any of the addresses, being local or over duckdns, dns or ip, http or https.

and yes im sure its no cache thing,

I have the same problem. I’m not sure if mine got updated, but it worked this morning and stopped working some time during the day. It shows the splash screen when I plug it in to a monitor, but it never shows up on the network or gets assigned an IP I can connect to. I have pulled the cord many times. Any and all tips are welcome.

it says nothing. I get a big white screen with the Homeassistant logo, and then nothing.
I can ping, I see the ip address in the router list, but that as far as it gets.

Usually i use ssh to debug such things. So no monitor required. If ssh doesnt work, monitor probably wouldn’t help too

Extract your sd card and check if there are some bads

no bads, and with a bit of effort I can read this:

but it comes and goes.