0.82.0 Broke my Hassio

Getting the following errors with all my devices missing:

    Setup failed for remote: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of remote. Setup failed for dependencies: group
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for lock: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of lock. Setup failed for dependencies: group
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for ios: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of ios. Setup failed for dependencies: device_tracker
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for light: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of light. Setup failed for dependencies: group
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for fan: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of fan. Setup failed for dependencies: group
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for device_tracker: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of device_tracker. Setup failed for dependencies: group
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for script: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of script. Setup failed for dependencies: group
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for switch: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of switch. Setup failed for dependencies: group
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for cover: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of cover. Setup failed for dependencies: group
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for automation: Could not set up all dependencies.
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Unable to set up dependencies of automation. Setup failed for dependencies: group
3:54 PM setup.py (ERROR)
Setup failed for group: Invalid config.
3:54 PM config.py (ERROR)
Invalid config for [cover.mqtt]: Set position topic must be set together with get position topic.. Got OrderedDict([('platform', 'mqtt'), ('name', 'Basement Living Room Vent'), ('retain', True), ('command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Basement Living Room/switch/cmd'), ('state_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Basement Living Room/switch/state'), ('state_open', 'on'), ('state_closed', 'off'), ('payload_open', 'on'), ('payload_close', 'off'), ('set_position_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Basement Living Room/level/cmd'), ('tilt_command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Basement Living Room/level/cmd'), ('tilt_s.... (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/cover.mqtt/
3:54 PM config.py (ERROR)
Invalid config for [cover.mqtt]: Set position topic must be set together with get position topic.. Got OrderedDict([('platform', 'mqtt'), ('name', 'Basement Kitchen Vent'), ('retain', True), ('command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Basement Kitchen/switch/cmd'), ('state_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Basement Kitchen/switch/state'), ('state_open', 'on'), ('state_closed', 'off'), ('payload_open', 'on'), ('payload_close', 'off'), ('set_position_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Basement Kitchen/level/cmd'), ('tilt_command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Basement Kitchen/level/cmd'), ('tilt_status_topic', 'smart.... (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/cover.mqtt/
3:54 PM config.py (ERROR)
Invalid config for [cover.mqtt]: Set position topic must be set together with get position topic.. Got OrderedDict([('platform', 'mqtt'), ('name', 'Spare Room Vent'), ('retain', True), ('command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Spare Room/switch/cmd'), ('state_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Spare Room/switch/state'), ('state_open', 'on'), ('state_closed', 'off'), ('payload_open', 'on'), ('payload_close', 'off'), ('set_position_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Spare Room/level/cmd'), ('tilt_command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Spare Room/level/cmd'), ('tilt_status_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Spare Room/level.... (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/cover.mqtt/
3:54 PM config.py (ERROR)
Invalid config for [cover.mqtt]: Set position topic must be set together with get position topic.. Got OrderedDict([('platform', 'mqtt'), ('name', 'Master Bedroom Vent'), ('retain', True), ('command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Master Bedroom/switch/cmd'), ('state_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Master Bedroom/switch/state'), ('state_open', 'on'), ('state_closed', 'off'), ('payload_open', 'on'), ('payload_close', 'off'), ('set_position_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Master Bedroom/level/cmd'), ('tilt_command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Master Bedroom/level/cmd'), ('tilt_status_topic', 'smartthings/Ven.... (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/cover.mqtt/
3:54 PM config.py (ERROR)
Invalid config for [cover.mqtt]: Set position topic must be set together with get position topic.. Got OrderedDict([('platform', 'mqtt'), ('name', 'Dining Room Vent'), ('retain', True), ('command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Dining Room/switch/cmd'), ('state_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Dining Room/switch/state'), ('state_open', 'on'), ('state_closed', 'off'), ('payload_open', 'on'), ('payload_close', 'off'), ('set_position_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Dining Room/level/cmd'), ('tilt_command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Dining Room/level/cmd'), ('tilt_status_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Dining Room.... (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/cover.mqtt/
3:54 PM config.py (ERROR)
Invalid config for [cover.mqtt]: Set position topic must be set together with get position topic.. Got OrderedDict([('platform', 'mqtt'), ('name', 'Living Room Vent'), ('retain', True), ('command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Living Room/switch/cmd'), ('state_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Living Room/switch/state'), ('state_open', 'on'), ('state_closed', 'off'), ('payload_open', 'on'), ('payload_close', 'off'), ('set_position_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Living Room/level/cmd'), ('tilt_command_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Living Room/level/cmd'), ('tilt_status_topic', 'smartthings/Vent - Living Room.... (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/cover.mqtt/
3:54 PM config.py (ERROR)

Nevermind. I reverted back and updated again and it went through.

Just have to fix the cover issue which isn’t documented. I’m guessing I just have to add get_position_cover to my config?

Same happened to me. But how to fix it? There is no get_position_topic in the mqtt cover documentation. There is state_topic to get the current state. What is get_position_topic?

I don’t know. I just deleted the set position topic from my device configs and it was fine. Haven’t noticed anything stopped working yet.

Upgrade to 0.82.0 was uneventful except: History, Logbook, all I-frame selections, and “Dev-Info” button give me a screen telling me to “go back”.
(to a previous version? :slight_smile:

I had to remove the exclusion of -igd from my discovery setup in configuration.yaml as it was disabling discovery due to the exclusion of igd no longer being allowed with this version.

I have just discovered that there is position_topic in the mqtt cover. Can’t remember it was there before. Anyhow. The documentation for state topic says

Use only if not using get_position_topic. State topic can only read open/close state.

But for the position topic it says

…Always in favor if used together with state_topic.

They are contradicting each other. So what is it?

Besides, on 0.81.6 I was using the state_topic to read the position, and it worked fine. Ok, let’s test it.

On 0.81.6, I have changed the state_topic to position_topic on one of the covers.
Result: it does NOT read the position now.

I have upgraded to 0.82.0.
Result: Ok, now the changed cover works (all the others generate an error, so I will change all of them. The only detail is, that when the cover is all the way up, the down arrow is disabled (and vice-versa on 100%).
Looks there is one more change, the state_upen/closed needs to be changed to position_open/closed.

So the bottom line is, 0.82.0 changed the way mqtt cover is configured, without mentioning that in the release blog. I think now it actually works the way it was supposed to work from start, so it is an improvement, BUT this change should be mentioned.

Update: the position_open and closed does not seem to work. Whilst the arrows work properly when the cover is not at 0 or 100, when the cover reaches the end position, it disables the wrong arrow. When it is on 100% all the way down, it disables the up arrow and vice versa. Changing position_open and closed has no effect. Can anybody help?

I reported this as a bug