0.87 Lovelace UI crashing HA

I was previously running HA 0.84.6 without issue. I then upgraded to 0.86.x and experienced continuous crashing, so I reverted back to HA 0.84.6 where I returned again to being stable. When 0.87 was released, I upgraded again hoping whatever issue I was encountering in 0.86 had since been resolved. However, it went right back to restarting itself every 6min based upon the notifications from Pingdom, which I’m using to monitor my Home Assistant. By midnight I had had enough. I closed my laptop and went to bed, but the strangest thing occurred overnight. When I woke up this morning I noticed that hadn’t received a single notification from Pingdom that HA had crashed. Not one!

I then went and accessed home assistant, and it sure enough it was up and had run all night long. At this point I thought the issue had sorted itself out on its own somehow, but then the HA web interface stated it had lost connection and I received a Pingdom notification that HA was down again. What the hell??

I spent most of today trying to figure out what was causing the issue, so I started commenting out large sections of non-critical items from my configuration.yaml file, rebooting, and retrying without success. Like clockwork HA’s watchdog was restarting HA every six minutes and the notifications from Pingdom were taunting me. I was just about to rebuild HA from scratch to see if that resolved the issue when my brain started processing the problem. What was the linkage between HA 0.84.6 working fine for weeks without issue and HA 0.87 only not crashing when I’m asleep?

Then it hit me! It’s me (or my computer) accessing the Lovelace UI. When I shut my computer off for the night, the browser wasn’t polling for updates from HA. It therefore didn’t crash. When I woke up in the morning and started accessing the HA web interface it was only a couple of minutes before the HA watchdog restarted itself. Since HA 0.87 uses Lovelace UI by default now and 0.84.6 did not, that further confirmed my theory that Lovelace had something to do with it.

So I set off to disable Lovelace and return to the previous states UI. I’m happy to report that I’ve been using HA all day without a single restart or alert notification from Pingdom that HA is down. HA 0.87 working perfectly, so long as Lovelace is disabled.

Below is an excerpt from my log file. I’m curious if others are encountering similar issues with Lovelace or if anyone has a theory why Lovelace is causing HA to restart itself every 6min without fail only when I’m accessing the HA web interface?

19-02-09 05:39:47 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Error on call

19-02-09 05:39:47 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.tasks] Watchdog found a problem with Home Assistant API!

19-02-09 05:39:47 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [hassio.docker.interface] Stop homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application

19-02-09 05:40:09 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] /homeassistant/api/states access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:40:17 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Error on call Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connection reset by peer]

19-02-09 05:40:17 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Error on API for request states

19-02-09 05:40:17 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API error: Received message 257:None is not str

19-02-09 05:40:17 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API connection is closed

19-02-09 05:40:18 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant Docker application

19-02-09 05:40:19 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [hassio.docker.homeassistant] Start homeassistant homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.87.0

19-02-09 05:40:22 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:40:22 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:40:22 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:40:27 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:40:27 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:40:27 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:40:32 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:40:32 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:40:32 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:40:37 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:40:37 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:40:37 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:40:42 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:40:42 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:40:42 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:40:47 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:40:47 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:40:47 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:40:52 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:40:52 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:40:52 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:40:57 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:40:57 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:40:57 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:02 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:02 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:02 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:07 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:07 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:07 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:12 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:12 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:12 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:17 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:17 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:17 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:23 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:23 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:23 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:28 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:28 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:28 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:33 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:33 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:33 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:38 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:38 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:38 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:43 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:43 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:43 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:48 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:48 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:48 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:53 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:41:58 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:41:58 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:41:58 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].

19-02-09 05:42:00 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Detect a running Home Assistant instance

19-02-09 05:42:03 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

19-02-09 05:42:03 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:42:29 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request running

19-02-09 05:42:32 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] /homeassistant/api/config access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

19-02-09 05:42:44 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] /homeassistant/api/states access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3

I believe I’m having similar problems. Once I upgraded to 0.87, the UI at :8123 no longer displays anything, all I can see is a blank white screen. Is there a way to revert to a previous edition without having access to the UI at all? I was running hass.io and believe I turned SSH on. I’d like to not have to scrap this if at all possible.

To follow up, HA hasn’t crashed even once in the last two days since moving back to the states UI. There’s something not quite right with the Lovelace UI. I hope they figure it out.

having similar problems to, i turned back to the Lovelace YAML mode and everything was fine again. There’s definitely something not right with the new Lovelace UI.

not sure if its relevant but the connection from appdaemon seems to be causing the errors in log by looks of it
have you tried disabling its connection to test?

I have not, but I will now and report back this weekend! Thanks for pointing that out.

Having the same issue:

19-02-20 20:18:35 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
19-02-20 20:18:35 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon3
19-02-20 20:18:35 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].