0.90: Remote UI, Streams, User Groups

No errors in the log, and I just rebooted the host to see if that would help. Configuration area still requires a manual refresh when navigating between pages. Same behavior over my OpenVPN connection, from a local machine, and on both Chrome and Safari. Interesting data point is that when I click on one of the configuration sections, all of the UI elements on the page shift left by a few pixels as the URL changes in the address bar, but it still takes a reload to get the new screen to show up.

Another possibility, are you using HA cloud remote? Or cloud web hook?

No i use the old manual method for my google home connection and duckdns for remote connection.

Ok it was appdeamon fixed using token

I’ve just upgraded to 0.90 (from 0.89.2) without any problems.

Thank you very much for giving rest of us a modern and flexible home automation system, without costing us much more than running an upgrade from time to time.

A special thanks to @endor-force for fixing the Tellstick component before it was totally outdated.


Anybody been successful integrating Nanit baby monitor to this? https://www.nanit.com

0.90.1 is apparently being released. I got a notification and am installing it in my virtualenv now.

Replying to myself, but I think I see what’s going on in my Configuration panel. Every time I click on one of the sub-menu items like “Home Assistant Cloud” or “Integrations”, it’s drawing the new page lower on the screen, making the page “longer” and sometimes causing the scroll bar to show up (which is why the UI shifted to the left a bit). Each time I select a new item, it draws another screen further down the page. I don’t know what could be causing that, but it seems like it’s not updating the page contents in place, but simply drawing again further down. And only in the Configuration section.

Check my post # 111 I add animated gif file. I have same problem.
Already open issue on github https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/22262

Ah, yes. Exactly that. I’ve been so busy trying to triage it that I didn’t see your post. I’ve been trying to comment out any custom Lovelace stuff that I have to see if it’s causing a problem, but haven’t found a culprit yet.

It has been working fine before update to 0.90

Seems like custom_ui is messing it up. Need to check further…

Can confirm that I’m experiencing the same bug. Click Integrations and it appears at the bottom of the existing page. Rendered with Firefox and using Docker version of 0.90.

I’ve also seen it render empty cards for the Configuration page. Just blanks with no text (Integrations, Users, General, Entity Registry, etc all missing).

Definitely seems to be related to custom_ui for me. I commented out these lines and the problem went away:

# Enables the frontend
#  extra_html_url:
#    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui.html
#  extra_html_url_es5:
#    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui-es5.html
#  themes: !include themes.yaml

#  custom_ui: local

I then updated the custom_ui components via the update.sh script that’s part of the initial installation, uncommented those lines, restarted, and it seems to be better now. Installation instructions here: https://github.com/andrey-git/home-assistant-custom-ui/blob/master/docs/installing.md

It doesn’t look like anything has changed in custom_ui since mid-Jan, and I didn’t install Hass.io until March, so I don’t know why that helped.

The reason that I thought of it is that it adds a dynamic entry to the bottom of the list of items in the Configuration panel, and it seems to come and go without any rhyme or reason (maybe only when I force a refresh on that page).

Edit: Now it’s broken again. I think there’s something broken about how custom_ui adds a menu item in Configuration. I don’t even know what that menu item is supposed to do, frankly.

Edit again: Pfft. There’s already an issue against custom_ui on this from 10 hours ago: https://github.com/andrey-git/home-assistant-custom-ui/issues/170. I’m gonna stop re-triaging everything :slight_smile:

Yaaahhh!!! No more port forwarding!

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New stream component is really awesome. Now those of us on Android can use Chrome PIP with our supported cameras. Just click on the camera in HA, go full screen and hit the home button to put the video in PIP.

Hello everyone, sorry for my little knowledge with Home Assistant, I’m a beginner still, my Hassio menu disappeared after the update to 0.90, already tried to use until the default_config with the discovery enabled in configuration.yaml and without success, which I must do?

Try adding hassio: to your config or removing it. Having the same issue and either removing or adding it seems to get it working for me

this worked for me before 0.90 but now it does not work anymore, I already tried to use and remove the “hassio:” and “discovery:”, but without success

A guy on the discord chat had the same problem and it just magically fixed itself. I don’t think anyone learned anything from the experience.