0.92.2 locks up?

So, upgraded from 0.91.4 to 0.92.2 - added in BOM camera, no other changes that I can think of.

HA has fully locked up 3 times now in the last 16 hours, with no apparent reason.
main log file isn’t written to, and neither is syslog - which is unusual for such a chatty application.

hass binary itself is still running and clocking CPU, but nothing works (no front end and no easy to test automations trigger).

is anyone else seeing similar issues? Or just me?

Do you have any streaming cameras?

yup - set up as follows:

- platform: ffmpeg
  name: DaFang
  input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://dafang1:8554/unicast

- platform: generic
  name: Camera
  still_image_url: https://dafang1/cgi-bin/currentpic.cgi
  stream_source: rtsp://dafang1:8554/unicast
  verify_ssl: false
  username: root
  password:  ismart12
  authentication: basic

- platform: bom
  location: Sydney

platform ffmpeg has been running fine for ages, but isn’t currently pulled into the frontend.
platform generic has been running in 0.91.4 with no apparent issues.
platform bom is new in this release/upgrade.

interesting. not sure what to do - remove the generic/bom cameras or move the direct stream for generic in the front end.

I’ve changed the picture entity card to not use camera_view: live and will see if it stays up…

I had to remove the streaming config from my cameras and the ffmpeg component.

died after about 12 hours. Removing stream_source: field.

Try removing ffmpeg: as well.

I didn’t have a problem with ffmpeg in 0.91.4

Well, I dont think I did

Either did I. It was only in 0.92.x that the issue cropped up.

seems not just us…

Looks like streaming issues have come to the attention of the devs:

no crashes since.

interesting - just made it crash - viewed the stream by clicking on the camera image.