0.92: HEOS, Somfy MyLink, Genius Hub

Guys I have the Google geocode component and it cannot be found anymore after 0.92 upgrade. Any help please?

yes i believe so

hi, i get this errors in all my custom components, i know that the fix is a manifest.json, but dont know the contents of that file, should we wait?or fix it manually, this is the log

Integration hadockermon not found when trying to verify its switch platform.
Integration trakt not found when trying to verify its sensor platform.
Integration youtube not found when trying to verify its sensor platform.
Integration youtube not found when trying to verify its sensor platform.
Integration google_fit not found when trying to verify its sensor platform.
Integration places not found when trying to verify its sensor platform.
Integration bwalarm not found when trying to verify its alarm_control_panel platform.
Integration fcm-android not found when trying to verify its notify platform.
Integration not found: introduction

remove introduction from your configuration. its now removed from 0.92 as per release notes

you can create the manisfest.json files your self

What is this manifest.json file?

Problem solved - thanks

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I take it as it’s only for custom components?

well its all, but the devs of HA would have sorted out the ones native to HA

What about the Icloud3 custom component. What would I need to put in the manifest.json file?

Right I see do I expect to see a folder created automatically for the native components?

On a different topic how can I get my custom components back working?

try adding a simple one to see if it resolves it for yours
“domain”: “google_geocode”,
“name”: “Google Geocode”,
“documentation”: “https://github.com/michaelmcarthur/GoogleGeocode-HASS”,
“dependencies”: [],
“codeowners”: [],
“requirements”: []

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what does this mean?

2019-04-25 16:10:27 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201904240] https://xxxx.ui.nabu.casa/frontend_latest/app.7ac4ac3c.js:2:60391 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object


So under my custom_components/google_geocode/ folder?

thats correct

You might have your old icons cached. I think how it works is that the default is going to be the puzzle icon unless the dev has changed it to something else.

So if manifest.json is optional for custom components, per the blog article, why is everyone having to create them? Especially for things like hadockermon that don’t override anything?

I too have a custom without that manifest

sorry to bother you again but I remember recently HA had change the formatting of custom components? something to do with the folder and the actual python file. Could you please tell me how custom components are meant to be stored in HA as of 0.92 release?


mine said sensor.galaxys9 cannot be found. I am using the google_geocode sensor