0.94: SmartHab, Watson TTS, Azure Event Hub

I have the same issue with Flux on 0.94 - have commented as such on your report on Github

I noticed that Google Assistant/Google Home two factor authentication for secure devices (garage, locks etc) can now be disabled via Home Assistant Cloud. That’s great for Norwegians like myself - since 2FA is not yet available in Norwegian language Google Assistant.

However, I’m not using Home Assistant Cloud - I’ve set up the Google Assistant integration manually (https://www.home-assistant.io/components/google_assistant/#manual-setup).

Is there a way to disable 2FA without using Home Assistant Cloud?

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Any chance we’ll be able to finally edit templates in the GUI in automations editor? Now this is not possible (read-only). Also conditions like ‘or’ are not supported by the GUI. Any plans to fix it/introduce support for these?

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how can i upgrade home status of person entity with owntracks in 0.94? when i link a device from owntracks with a person nothing happens

I created a guide way back in March of last year when I updated my Hassbian from python 3.4 to python 3.6.

It worked for me at the time so I just moved it over to github so you could use it if you want.

Here is the link:

Like I said, the procedure is over a year old so I can’t guarantee that it will still work but at least it might point you in the right direction.

And, I’m not sure but I think I remember the part about the “requirements.txt” gave me a bit of a glitch so I think I just skipped that part. It isn’t really completely required anyway since most of the stuff will automatically install and if they don’t you can install those items individually if necessary.


Thanks allot for your reply looks quite complex.

Does that mean that I have to recreate the virtual env. ?

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s in there towards the bottom.

I was a bit intimidated when I started doing the upgrade on mine but It’s not really as difficult as it looks.

But I will say that it might be easier to just save your config files to a safe location and do a complete re-install of Hassbian and then restore your config files to the new install.

Either route you go make sure you make a backup of your SD card first, tho, in case something (inevitably…) goes wrong.

Same here, running on Hass in a virtual env on the current Raspbian (stretch). I’ve tried to dist-upgrade to the upcoming buster based Raspbian, but that doesn’t appear to have a python3 package at all.

Unless Raspbian will upgrade to a more recent Python version, I will probably start running Hass in a Docker container.

I’m still using the old All in One installer method of updates:

  • Login to Raspberry Pi: ssh pi@your_raspberry_pi_ip
  • Change to homeassistant user: sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
  • Change to virtual environment: source /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/bin/activate
  • Update Home Assistant: pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant
  • Type exit to logout the hass user and return to the pi user.

Is there a way to upgrade Python on this virtual environment easily? I don’t have access to a root user in this environment. Afraid I haven’t wanted to mess with changing everything over to Docker or Hass.io as I have put a ton of work into my current setup and really don’t want to break everything. Suggestions?

Logs please?

I ran the upgrade from 0.92.2 to 0.94, almost everything worked perfectly except for one thing.
Wemo Maker switches no longer recognised in HA. All other Wemo devices work perfectly.

I rolled back to version 0.92.2 and wemo maker switches restored.

Any thoughts?

this is how I have them in config.yaml (only first 2 are wemo maker)
discovery: true

Is there a way to disable or move the new Configuration Editor to the bottom of the page or it’s own page?

It is a great idea, but I’m not using it (at this stage) and even if I were, it would be far more efficient to keep the Check Config and Reloading options at the top as they are used far more often rather than having to scroll down every single time.


Not at the moment no


Bummer, Thank you.

Hopefully it’s on a todo list at some stage

There is further discussion here 0.94: Config page, is it possible to hide/minimize disabled panels when using YAML config?


Reinstalling the trakt component fixed the issue

What have other people done with the replication of Owntracks devices? Like mentioned here, I now have two entities, device_tracker.XXX_nokia61 and device_tracker.XXX_nokia61_2. Only device_tracker.XXX_nokia61 shows up in group.all_devices.

Just attempt to remove the duplicated _2 one?

I’ve added here: Fresh Hass.io Installation does not work correctly!?

My Hassbian doesn’t start any more after the update. I will probably only restart it when a current image is available.

Fritz Box download and upload speed sensors are no longer working for me since this upgrade. I couldn’t find anything in the release notes breaking changes.

There are problems with component support, some scripts only run with Python 3.5, they need to be reworked first to run with 3.6 or 3.7.

Currently not compatible:
eq3 Bluetooth
AVM Fritzbox

I have therefore made a downgrade and I am back to 0.93.2. I am curious whether the scripts will be revised because I think my thermostats are not very common.