0.96: Notion, updated sidebar, advanced mode

I believe if you want to hide the sidebar, you can still do that with Compact Custom Header.

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How then do you unhide it to access say the dev-tools? (answer: you can’t easily)

Not certain - I haven’t upgraded to 0.96 yet so I can’t test it out, but in prior versions you can use CCH to hide the sidebar but still optionally be able to swipe from left to reveal it.

If it does operate that way then it sounds like an acceptable solution.

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I have upgraded and it doesn’t

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I will not be adding any more features related to the sidebar. Since CCH only operates inside of Lovelace I need to keep any interaction with the sidebar to a minimum. The sidebar is required for navigation outside of Lovelace, so any modification of it should be handled with an addon that is available across the entire frontend. Something like this doesn’t exist yet, but I’m sure it will in time.

Talked about it a bit here: Compact Custom Header

Anyone else?

Testing configuration at /opt/homeassistant/
Failed config
  General Errors: 
    - Platform not found: device_tracker.nmap_tracker
  - platform: nmap_tracker
    home_interval: 10

I’m seeing the same error with nmap_tracker and unifi. Unifi was giving the same error in 0.95.4 as well (but runs fine).

Was going to open an issue but seems to be resolved after a restart of HASS.

Where is Config Check now?

I don’t see it in the usual place (Configuration > General) in between where you select your location and Server Management.


My ecobee climate objects have lost the ‘operation’ attribute in this release. I don’t see any documented change on that, though, so could this be a bug?

Have you enabled advanced mode?


Thanks! I overlooked to do that.

Kind of odd that if you don’t enable Advanced mode, you still get the menu to restart the server! :thinking:

… and here we go again. My perfectly functional custom component from 0.94.2 isn’t loaded in 0.96.0. No complaints in the log during startup but no component created. Only when I run Config Check does it report: Platform not found: climate.my_mqtt

Looks like I have my work cut out for me.

I don’t know what exactly transpired on the discord channel but the new menu’s inability to be hidden is not to my liking.


First stab of it, maybe get added in later release. I know they removed another part when not in advanced mode after feedback

Possibly due to the changes for climate 1.0. I would check out the GitHub pr on the changes

Smartir climate had same issue and was resolved by Dev of it

I was monitoring the beta and didn’t see anything dramatically different in MQTT HVAC. Of course, all it takes is just one little change in just the right place …

Unrelated to my custom component but I just noticed i0.96.0 can’t find the toggle-lock-entity-row card. Weird. More digging to be done.


Ditto. Though using CCH to hide it on tablets and for users who I don’t want to access it at all is possible. So no drama.

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Nor mine. All objections dismissed.
The ability of CCH to hide it isn’t adequate IMO.

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I’m really looking forward to this update (cloud fix):

really happy that the HassIO version is out so quickly too! Awesome :grin:

I’m seeing 0.96 there