0.96: Notion, updated sidebar, advanced mode

I believe it’s the blue dot containing the message count:


I upgraded to 0.96.3, and I can’t for the life of me find the check configuration button. I have advanced mode on, and logged in as the owner. I’ve cleared the cache (Chrome). I’m not sure what is supposed to happen when i turn on the advanced mode toggle, but nothing changes - I don’t have the configuration option in the side menu any more (I did remove the config: option from the configuration.yaml file, as I figured out that was for the configurator, and it’s not the new configurator add-on - right?).

How do i find everything that was under configuration before?

You removed the option that enables that sidebar button. Always consult the docs about a integration before adding/removing :wink:

Thanks, @petro. Of course I did! Ughhh…

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That didn’t work. It changed all of the un-selected sidebar icons to red instead of just the notification indicator.

It used to use the “accent-color” - which makes sense since it would be used to “accent” a notification.

EDIT: posted an issue on the HA frontend github:


Here is my fix, use rest


Yes, thats for the icon color. The indicator color is

So you need to change the icon color to something, then the primary color to what you want the indicator to be. Sorry for not explicitly explaining that.

So if you change the icon color to be something other than the primary color and then change the primary color, you’ll see a difference.

Is there anyone out there that know what I shall do to get the Telldus live integration to work?

I restored my config from backup (0.94.3) to a different SD-card and everything worked again.

After upgrading to 0.96.1 again on that card I got the SSL-problem. I fixed it with the buster-fix, but that created the error with Telldus live.

Thx in advance

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the reason I was confused is because I was pretty sure that changing the primary-color wouldn’t get me to where I wanted to be.

that color is used everywhere (hence the name “primary” :wink:) so I end up with this horrendousness :grimacing::

It used to be separate from the other main colors and was the only thing that I found that used that element so it was easy to theme individually. Now it’s not. That’s why I wrote the bug report. Hopefully it will get changed back again.

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I agree 100% with your issue. I think it should be accent-color or some new attribute. Either way, I was just trying to get you a decent fix for the time being. I too have the same issue you have. I just don’t use notifications in the browser because everything goes to my phone. So for me, it’s pointless.


Thanks dev for the hard work.
Just a note that the Climate 1.0 seems to be one of the major breaking changes but it’s not listed as such in an appropriate section of the release.
Would be great to do so in the future as not every user reads blogs like this one.

Hi all

I’m experiencing a really strange behaviour while upgrading from 0.96.3 to 0.96.4 on an Intel NUC with Proxmox and with Ubuntu Server as VM OS.

I’ve tried via CLI with hassio ha update after issuing hassio ha check and hassio ha restart and also via Web UI from Settings->General->Restart, but the result is that in Proxmox I get a yellow triangle on the Hassio VM name and the VM hangs and it’s impossible to shutdown.

I always do a daily snapshot of the VM, so I just rolled back, but trying again I get same result.

Anyone with a platform like mine ?

Any suggestion on what to check?


Looks like the hard disk of your VM has no space left. Try deleting some data like snapshots and give the VM some more disk space.

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Thanks @gerard33

You solved my issue, not related to hassio upgrade, but to proxmox.

I have an Envoy-C controller, so I guess I’ll have to wait!

I think my code is good for the c and the s- metered as well. just try the url I put down for resource:


or try changing envoy to your envoy’s ip address

ERROR: No matching distribution found for homeassistant==0.96.5

This doesn’t look like it supposed to… :woozy_face:
Anyone else getting this?

me too, using pip. Looks like patience is required?

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Ah d*mn it I tried to find where to buy “patience” they are out of stock.

Hi, I have an issue I do not understand (and cannot find anything similar by searching) - I am running the ‘Check Home Assistant Configuration’ pre upgrade to 0.96.4 and getting the following error:

Failed config
General Errors:
- Platform not found: climate.sensibo

Successful config (partial)

I am currently running Hassio on a RP3 with HA 0.95.4 and have had no troubles with Sensibo previously (and not had the warning pre upgrade before).

Any assistance as to what is causing error is appreciated.

My Sensibo config in configuration.yaml is:

  - platform: sensibo
    api_key: !secret sensiboapi

Full log from the upgrade checker is:

[10:27:29] INFO: Installing Home Assistant: latest…
[10:27:29] INFO: Please be patient, this might take a few minutes…
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.1.1, however version 19.2.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the ‘pip install --upgrade pip’ command.
[10:35:34] INFO: Installed Home Assistant 0.96.4
[10:35:34] INFO: Don’t worry, this temporary installation is not overwriting your current one.
[10:35:34] INFO: Making a copy of your configuration for checking…
[10:36:59] INFO: Checking your configuration against this version…
[10:40:28] ERROR: The configuration check did not pass!
[10:40:28] ERROR: See the output below for more details.
INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of colorlog==4.0.2
Testing configuration at /tmp/config
INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of wakeonlan==1.1.6
INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of home-assistant-frontend==20190721.1
INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of pywemo==0.4.34
INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of aiohttp_cors==0.7.0
INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of mutagen==1.42.0
INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of sqlalchemy==1.3.5
INFO:homeassistant.util.package:Attempting install of influxdb==5.2.0
Failed config
General Errors:
- Platform not found: climate.sensibo

Successful config (partial)