0.98: Improved entity management, options and Home Assistant Alerts

It didn´t help. Perhaps a new fresh installation is a better way to go.

After update 0.98/0.98.1 I get No GUI editor available for: picture-elements.
Any suggestions?

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i’ve just upgraded Hassio from 0.97.2 to 0.98.1
now some components don’t start.
this is the log:
Platform error device_tracker.fritz - Requirements for fritz not found: [‘fritzconnection==0.6.5’].
Component error: alexa_media - Requirements for alexa_media not found: [‘alexapy==1.0.0’].
Platform error media_player.beoplay - Requirements for beoplay not found: [‘ha-beoplay’].
Component error: hacs - Requirements for hacs not found: [‘aiofiles==0.4.0’].

previously all the components where working …
any idea?

I just upgraded to 0.98.1 and the CONFIG CHECKER has now vanished. Where is the config checker located now?

It was under Configuration>Server Control>

But not there now

yes it is.

FOUND IT - It was in the same location but the ADVANCED Mode was turned off.

You need to enable advanced mode again in Profile. :slight_smile:

That wasn’t a very helpful answer… Rather than just say “yes it is” maybe some assistance would have been better for other users who also might have the same issue


SOLVED: I just replaced the code with the same and then it worked… huhh

Here’s another gem in 0.98, you can now assign attributes to a Template Binary Sensor. The documentation contains an example of assigning latitude and longitude attributes derived from a device_tracker.

FWIW, there’s a PR in the pipeline to add this functionality to the Template Sensor (hopefully it will be released in 0.99):


I’m trying to keep things as simple as I can.
I have the tensorflow in HA working, and as long as it works as needed, I don’t want to create another container just for this. Even without OpenCV it still works fine (using PIL I believe). I just wanted to know if someone more experienced than me might know of how to easily install OpenCV on the new Alpine base.


Me too with UniFi

not yet perfect though…

tried to rebuild this markdown (have left a few older ones for reference) but only the first template works, and all other font color templates simply show the template in the markdown card.

the state templates work fine, as does the bottom line, but they don’t have font color templates…
also tried this valid ninja template, but it causes even the first line to not work:

       < font color= {{'#4caf50' if is_state('sensor.hubs_badge', '0') else 'red' }} > - {{state_attr('sensor.hubs_badge','desc')}} </font>

rest of the card:

  - type: markdown
    content: >
      # <font color= grey> Home Summary</font>



      <font color = {% set count = states('sensor.family_home') %}
                    {% if count == '0' %} grey
                    {% elif count == '1'%} yellow
                    {% elif count == '2' %} blue
                    {% elif count == '3'%} orange
                    {% elif count == '4'%} green
                    {% elif count == '5'%} brown
                    {% else %} red
                    {% endif %} > - {{state_attr('sensor.home_badge','desc')}} </font>

      < font color = {% if states('sensor.status_badge') == '0' %} green
                     {% else %} red
                     {% endif %} > - {{state_attr('sensor.status_badge','desc')}} </font>

      < font color=  {% if states('sensor.play_badge') == '0' %} grey
        {% else %} #2196f3
        {% endif %} > - {{state_attr('sensor.play_badge','desc')}} </font>

      <[[ if(sensor.track_badge == '0' , font color= grey, font color= #2196f3) ]]> - {{state_attr('sensor.track_badge','desc')}} </font>

      <[[ if(sensor.lamps_badge == '0' , font color= grey, font color= #fbb911) ]] > - {{state_attr('sensor.lamps_badge','desc')}} </font> 

      <[[ if(sensor.switch_badge == '0' , font color= grey, font color= #2196f3) ]]> - {{state_attr('sensor.switch_badge','desc')}} </font>

      <[[ if(sensor.appli_badge == '0' , font color= grey, font color= #2196f3) ]]> - {{state_attr('sensor.appli_badge','desc')}} </font>

      <[[ if(sensor.active_badge == '0' , font color= grey, font color= #4caf50) ]]> - {{state_attr('sensor.active_badge','desc')}} </font>

      <[[ if(sensor.appli_badge == '0' , font color= grey, font color= #4caf50) ]]> - {{state_attr('sensor.appli_badge','desc')}} </font>



      _<[[ if(sensor.alarms_badge.attributes.unit_of_measurement == 'Off' , font color= grey, font color= red) ]]>- {{state_attr('sensor.alarms_badge','love')}} </font>_



      <font color= brown> - {{state_attr('sensor.activity_badge','love')}} </font>
      **<font color= black> - {{state_attr('sensor.mode_badge','love')}} </font>**


almost got it working now, seems the ‘old’ templates twith the square hooks [[]] caused trouble. Having rewritten these, make the card pop. All jinja formats now work fine, included the one above I separated in the first example.


So is the reference to “0.100” an indication that HA 1.0 will not follow 0.99? With all the talk these last few versions of that fateful moment, i thought we might see it next month.

Google reveals that installing opencv is possible but not particlarly easy.

1.0 was never going to be after 0.99 - that’s been made fairly clear for a long time and anything else was just ‘talk’ and wishful thinking. Version 1.0 is dependent on minimum functionality, not the number of early releases.


Is anyone else seeing weird refresh problems with the frontend?

Custom card previews in the editor are flickering.

Pop up notifications are occasionally looping.

After updating a card the screen occasionally goes blank with “reload lovelace” visible in the middle of the page.

+1 for deconz

same issue if i try to edit any of my cards im getting no GUI available… What gives?

Working great for me, however I’m not using the Lovelace UI

I’ve upgraded from 0.97.2 to 0.98.1 (running in venv). I had previously installed Tensorflow and had it working. Now, when I try to run HA, I see the following the log:

Aug 30 14:24:01 homeassistant hass[21172]: 2019-08-30 14:24:01.847022: F tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:37] The TensorFlow library was compiled to use AVX instructions, but these aren't available on your machine.
Aug 30 14:24:02 homeassistant systemd[1]: [email protected]: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT

Commenting out the image_processing in the config file allows me to run HA.

Looking through my notes, it looks like had previously installed the following in the same venv as HA:

pip3 install opencv-python==
pip3 install tensorflow==1.5.0

Were these overwritten with the latest upgrade? Is there a “best” way for me to fix this?