0% Battery Level Tri sensor and Fibaro

Just moved from Vera to HA I got rid of all my Fibaro sensors out of Vera coz they were causing problems on my zwave network…moved to Aeotec Tri sensors which worked perfectly on my old Vera

I have Aeotec Z Stick 7 with the latest firmware but I cant get the battery level to show, I adapted the config below and set it as an automation but still nothing

Annoyingly I had 1 Fibaro left so just installed it and it reports battery level no problem :hot_face:

Has anyone got the Aeotec Tri sensors to show battery level and if so please can you share in baby steps how to do it
Thank you

I have the same issue with the Aeotec Tri Sensor not reporting battery. A few were very helpful with suggestions on polling the battery separately, but that did not pull the data required. I have a wakeup interval of 30 minutes while troubleshooting this.

Share my pain :wink:

Doing what I can to research. Seems that perhaps the wrong data is being defined for the battery level.

This is the last piece for me before I migrate away from Indigo to HA.

If I could pay to have this resolved, I would.