Next week we will have the next release of HA and with it, we won’t have support for GPIO and 1-Wire via SysBus (sensors connected directly to Raspberry Pi).
Thanks to @thecode we have ha-rpi_gpio (GitHub - thecode/ha-rpi_gpio: Home Assistant Raspberry Pi GPIO Integration) which will allow us to still use GPIO in future HA releases.
Sadly I couldn’t find any replacement for 1-Wire (with SysBus).
Does anyone have a solution for now? Please don’t suggest moving to ESPHome. The project is great, but I have all the wires next to my Raspberry PI so I don’t want to add extra hardware.
If anyone could suggest a hacs integration that supports 1-Wire sensors (I use DS18B20) that would be great.
I know I could do what @thecode did and spin-off the onewire integration as a new integration, but maybe there is one already and instead of creating the next one I prefer to help maintain a single one.
What are your plans for migrations?
Thanks for the suggestions!
Hi everybody,
I installed the HACS 1-Wire via Sys Bus custom integration. Unfortunately, I am not able to find the 1-Wire sensors within Home Assistant although the sensors are visible under /sys/bus/w1/devices/.
Any hints what to do to get the temperature from the sensors into HA?
I have the same problem, did anyone get it solved?
Update: it works fine, just had to follow the instructions. After installed the package in HACS, I forgot to install the 1-Wire SysBus integration under Setttings-> Devices & services.