100% Accurate Athan (Azan Adhan Azaan أذان) as a senor

Salam Alikom Brothers,

I have been struggling with the integration for Athan, it is not accurate I wanted to share my solution on how I have captured the data for our official source for the timing in Dubai.

Our official source is IACAD website

I have used the scrape integration that comes preinstalled with Home Assistant

You need to have internet access to the HA instant. Below you can find the code for the senor,

  - platform: scrape
    resource: https://services.iacad.gov.ae/SmartPortal/en/Timings
    name: Fajr Time
    select: "td"
    index: 1
    value_template: '{{ value.split("AM")[0] }}'
    unit_of_measurement: hours

  - platform: scrape
    resource: https://services.iacad.gov.ae/SmartPortal/en/Timings
    name: Dohr Time
    select: "td"
    index: 7
    value_template: '{{ value.split("PM")[0] }}'
    unit_of_measurement: hours

  - platform: scrape
    resource: https://services.iacad.gov.ae/SmartPortal/en/Timings
    name: Asr Time
    select: "td"
    index: 10
    value_template: '{{ value.split("PM")[0] }}'
    unit_of_measurement: hours

  - platform: scrape
    resource: https://services.iacad.gov.ae/SmartPortal/en/Timings
    name: Magrib Time
    select: "td"
    index: 13
    value_template: '{{ value.split("PM")[0] }}'
    unit_of_measurement: hours

  - platform: scrape
    resource: https://services.iacad.gov.ae/SmartPortal/en/Timings
    name: Isha Time
    select: "td"
    index: 16
    value_template: '{{ value.split("PM")[0] }}'
    unit_of_measurement: hours

##### the below sensors is used for automation purpose #####

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Fajr 24 Format'
        icon_template: "mdi:clock"
        value_template: >
          {% set fajr_time_in_12_fromat = as_timestamp(states.sensor.date.state + ' ' + states.sensor.Fajr_time.state) %}

        friendly_name: 'Dohr 24 Format'
        icon_template: "mdi:clock"
        value_template: >
          {%- set dohr_time_in_12_fromat = as_timestamp(states.sensor.date.state + ' ' + states.sensor.dohr_time.state) %}

        friendly_name: 'Asr 24 Format'
        icon_template: "mdi:clock"
        value_template: >
          {%- set asr_time_in_12_fromat = as_timestamp(states.sensor.date.state + ' ' + states.sensor.asr_time.state) %}
          {%- set asr_time_in_24_fromat = asr_time_in_12_fromat | int + 43200 %}

        friendly_name: 'Magrib 24 Format'
        icon_template: "mdi:clock"
        value_template: >
          {%- set magrib_time_in_12_fromat = as_timestamp(states.sensor.date.state + ' ' + states.sensor.magrib_time.state) %}
          {%- set magrib_time_in_24_fromat = magrib_time_in_12_fromat | int + 43200 %}

        friendly_name: 'Isha 24 Format'
        icon_template: "mdi:clock"
        value_template: >
          {%- set isha_time_in_12_fromat = as_timestamp(states.sensor.date.state + ' ' + states.sensor.isha_time.state) %}
          {%- set isha_time_in_24_fromat = isha_time_in_12_fromat | int + 43200 %}

        friendly_name: 'Isha 24 Format'
        icon_template: "mdi:clock"
        value_template: >
          {%- set test = "21:56" %}
          {%- set test_24 = as_timestamp(states.sensor.date.state + ' ' + test) %}

This will generate sensors only, now you need to do the automations as per your needs, there are samples here in the community:

Adhan automation (أذان التلقائي) using Home Assistant and Google Home Mini

Automate Islamic Adhan (also called Azan or Azzan) or other prayer calls

Azaan/Adhan/Azan on your Alexa devices

To use it as time trigger, choose in the triggers section: Trigger type as template, add ID if you need then the Value template is as below:

{{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.asr_24'))|timestamp_custom('%H:%M', true) == states('sensor.time')  }}

This is only for 1 example you need to change the sensor for each automation.

Salam Alikom :smiley: