I have no idea what that means, but it works!
Thank you!
I guess, I should also rephrase
"${vars[0] - 10 }"
"${parseFloat(vars[0]) - 10 }"
I have no idea what that means, but it works!
Thank you!
I guess, I should also rephrase
"${vars[0] - 10 }"
"${parseFloat(vars[0]) - 10 }"
It is a Javascript function: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/parseFloat
Hey man, can you tell me more about those cards with min/max value, for pressure for example. ?
May be its a well-known issue.
Found a problem with config-template-card.
Two or more cards are not distributed properly on the screen - all of them are placed in one column.
How to reproduce:
type: 'custom:config-template-card'
- sensor.speedtest_download
- sensor.speedtest_upload
- sensor.speedtest_ping
type: vertical-stack
- type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.speedtest_download
hours_to_show: 24
- type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.speedtest_upload
hours_to_show: 24
- type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.speedtest_ping
hours_to_show: 24
The created card is like this:
Then duplicate this card.
Two…three cards are enough to see the issue.
All cards are placed in one column.
In this example there is no “variables” section - my actual code was like this:
- 'states[''input_select.graph_hours_to_show_speedtest'']'
type: vertical-stack
- type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.speedtest_download
hours_to_show: '${vars[0].state}'
I excluded that variable just to simplify the case.
Registered as a new issue:
This issue happens only with config-template-card.
To check this you can remove config-template-card from my example:
type: vertical-stack
- type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.speedtest_download
hours_to_show: 24
refresh_interval: 0
- type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.speedtest_upload
hours_to_show: 24
- type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.speedtest_ping
hours_to_show: 2
and create 2-3 same cards - these cards are distributed in several columns:
Once again I’ve reached the limits of my understanding of Templating …
I have a couple of utility_meters and would like to show their last_period states in a pie_chart
Extracting the last_period state in a template sensor wors flawless like this:
- platform: template
friendly_name: 'AC01 last month'
unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.ac_01_month_energy_draw.attributes.last_period | float }}'
However, I really want to avoid creating dozens of template sensors…
so I tried this:
- input_number.total_power_consumption_last_month
type: 'custom:config-template-card'
- '{{ states.sensor.ac_01_month_energy_draw.attributes.last_period | float }}'
- entity: '${vars[0]}'
name: AC01
title: Power Consumption Last Month
total_amount: input_number.total_power_consumption_last_month
type: 'custom:pie-chart-card'
unknownText: else
But it doesn’t work
How do I propperly phrase the variables?
I wonder if I can use this to make a template out of this
- type: vertical-stack
- type: "custom:vertical-stack-in-card"
- type: "custom:button-card"
name: Living Spots Boekenkast
entity: light.livingspotsbureau_dim
template: light_card
show_label: true
label: >
var bri = states['light.livingspotsbureau_dim'].attributes.brightness;
var bripercent = Math.round((bri/255)*100)
return 'Dimmer: ' + (bripercent ? bripercent : '0') + '%';
- color: gray
- font-size: 9px
- padding: 0px 5px
- type: custom:slider-entity-row
entity: light.livingspotsbureau_dim
full_row: true
hide_state: true
Sort of having the same problem. what’s wrong with this code? It’s the last line that gives me a problem. the line above it works fine, but I want to change the image based on the source of the tv. help is very much appreciated.
- title: k1
- type: custom:config-template-card
title: "My Floorplan"
LIGHT_STATE: 'states[''light.keuken_lichten''].state'
GARAGE_STATE: 'states[''cover.raam_rechts''].state'
# TV_SOURCE: states['media_player.samsung_tv'].attributes.source
- light.keuken_lichten
- cover.raam_rechts
- person.nick
- media_player.samsung_tv
type: picture-elements
image: /local/floorplan2/appartement/transparant.png
- type: image
entity: light.keuken_lichten
left: 50%
top: 50%
width: 10%
action: toggle
action: more-info
# image: '${LIGHT_STATE === ''on'' ? ''/local/floorplan2/tvs/samsung2.gif'' : ''/local/floorplan2/tvs/tenet.gif''}'
image: "${states['media_player.samsung_tv'].attributes['source'] === 'Netflix' ? '/local/floorplan2/tvs/netflix.gif' : '/local/floorplan2/tvs/tenet.gif'}"
Just stumbled across this and tried to spit out buttons in a loop. I know this is a pointless example but I’m trying to understand. My simplified example, that doesn’t work is…
type: 'custom:config-template-card'
- media_player.sonos_deck
- media_player.sonos_ceiling_speakers
Deck: media_player.sonos_deck
CeilingSpeakers: media_player.sonos_ceiling_speakers
type: entities
type: horizontal-stack
cards: |-
${var cards = []; vars.forEach(entity_id => {
cards.push({'type': 'custom:button-card', entity': entity_id});
}); cards}
No error but no output either. I was hoping to see two buttons.
May be I am wrong, but:
Should it be:
image: '${st
Also, instead of this:
try this (it works for me):
using this now:
works fine. Thanks
HI all
Can someone help me to check this sensor i have been cracking my head for two days and i still dont see the error, in the developer tools template all shows as its supposed but i cant make it work in the sensor it self.
"{{ state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data')[1]['aired'] }}"
"{{ state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data')[1]['title'] }}"
**"Date With an Angel"**
"{{ state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data')[1]['poster'] }}"
{{ state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data')[1]['aired'].split("-")[0] }}
"{ "library_name": "Movies", "title": "{{ state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data')[1]['title'] }}", "Year": "{{ state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data')[1]['aired'].split("-")[0] }}" }"
**"{ "library_name": "Movies", "title": "Date With an Angel", "Year": "1987" }"**
My sensor
- platform: template
friendly_name: "play movie"
icon_template: mdi:movie-roll
value_template: "{{ "library_name": "Movies", "title": "{{ state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data')[1]['title'] }}", "Year": "{{ state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data')[1]['aired'].split("-")[0] }}" }"}}
i get:
bad indentation of a mapping entry at line 150, column 53:
… te: "{{ “library_name”: “Movies”, “title”: "{{ state_attr('senso …
this is for the plex service:
this one works like this and the idea is to have the media_content_id from a template
entity_id: media_player.plex_tv_livingroom
media_content_type: movie
media_content_id: ‘{ “library_name”: “Movies”, “title”: “Date With an Angel” }’
thanks for your help!!
Just checked the latest update of the card.
I think it is a good step forward to provide a possibility to use this card for a single entity row.
But I cannot use styles (card-mod) in this case.
Please check this: 🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card
Hello all, there must be something I don’t understand. I tried to use this plugin in order to change the icon based on the state of my sensor here is the code I entered in the UI
type: 'custom:config-template-card'
ENTREE_STATE: 'states[''binary_sensor.window_door_sensor_entree''].state'
JARDIN_STATE: 'states[''binary_sensor.openclose_portejardin''].state'
- entity: binary_sensor.window_door_sensor_entree
- entity: binary_sensor.openclose_portejardin
- entity: binary_sensor.openclose_11
type: entities
- entity: binary_sensor.window_door_sensor_entree
icon: '${ENTREE_STATE === ''off'' ? ''mdi:door'' : ''mdi:door-open'' }'
- entity: binary_sensor.openclose_portejardin
icon: '${JARDIN_STATE === ''off'' ? ''mdi:door'' : ''mdi:door-open'' }'
- entity: binary_sensor.openclose_11
title: Ouvertures_test
state_color: true
my issue is that when I open the door, nothing happened (the “standard” card is working fine and shows the icon in other color)
Is there a way to manipulate (e.g. the icon, the text) only one row in a normal entity card? Saw the row option and example
type: entities
- type: 'custom:config-template-card'
- states['light.bed_light'].state
- light.bed_light
type: section
label: "${vars[0] === 'on' ? 'Light On' : 'Light Off'}"
- entity: light.bed_light
But currently I’m not able to insert a customized entity row, but only a section as in this example.
Though with this example and row, it is possible to place/add someting like
- entity: "${LIGHT_STATE === 'on' ? 'light.bed_light' : 'climate.ecobee'}"
icon: "${GARAGE_STATE === 'open' ? 'mdi:hotel' : '' }"
in the standard entity card.
Wonder why this is not standard behavior of lovelace config. Templating should just be possible everywhere…
I love the card, thank you!
I have been using it to display graphs. By using an input_number controlled via a slider, I could select the number of days to display on the graph.
I want to move to the next step, use a input_select to select the entity I want to display on the graph. Any clue how I can do so that the user select a friendly name and the card understands an entity_id?
I was wondering if this card can help me to display an entity state containing json-formatted text, in tabular format in LL, perhaps in combination with existing cards like Ian’s List Card or the Flex Table Card, but I don’t understand all this well enough to make it work.
Any pointers or thoughts you may have on how to (best) do this will be highly appreciated.
I have a couple of ESP32’s out there that can be configured through MQTT to function in a certain way, and they can report this configuration back as a json-formatted MQTT message. I would like to show this configuration in a LL card as text, simiilar to how HA shows additional information when the Entity WiFi status is displayed (indicated by the arrow in the screen capture below).
So basically I’d like to display the name/value pairs as text, in tabular format, optionally with some basic formatting to display the names in bold etc.
I understand that I can create entities for each name/value pair, use templates to extract the values, and display them in the traditional way. But I prefer to not go this route, with the associated overhead of setting up these entities for each device and maintaining them should the sketch change.
Below is an example of the json data to display in tabular format:
Below: How HA displays the additional information below the WiFi entity status.
I think you can as they will all be attributes. I did a card using this template to show MQTT status info my esp as well. I would have liked to use list or flex table card but neither of those show the icon. You can see the MQTT card I cobbled together in this thread. Anyway I think you can do it not with json but by using the state-attr
Hey all,
not sure where im going wrong, if someone can help?
im trying to have the content update, based on the drop down value, as per this example below.
The reason is that I want to have a “friendly name” in the drop down, however that calls an entity to be used in the card.
type: vertical-stack
- type: entities
- entity: input_select.room_temp_display2
name: Select Sensor
show_header_toggle: false
- type: 'custom:config-template-card'
- 'states[''input_select.room_temp_display2''].state'
- input_select.room_temp_display2
type: markdown
content: '"${vars[0] }"'
- type: 'custom:config-template-card'
- 'states[''input_select.room_temp_display2''].state'
- input_select.room_temp_display2
type: markdown
content: '"${ if (vars[0] === ''Jamie Office'') return ''abc'' else ''123'';}"'