100.x Components and platforms could not be set up: automation

starting with 100.2 I’ve started getting a notification:

Invalid config
The following components and platforms could not be set up: automation
Please check your config.

My config.yaml set up:

automation: !include automations.yaml
automation old: !include_dir_merge_list automation/

while I get the notification, all the automations still work. this did not happen w/previous versions.

upgraded to 100.3 but same:


when I check configuration:


automation lines in config.yaml

automation: !include automations.yaml
automation old: !include_dir_merge_list automation/

no error / everything was fine at 0.99.x, did not change config or automations

It tells you exactly where to look but you’re focusing on the 99 to 100 change.

You have an automation that’s missing a trigger. This error is occuring in the automation section at line 519 in your configuration.

Just because something doesn’t work in a new version does not mean that your configuration was correct. They continually make configuration validation changes every version. It’s very possible that it’s now catching an error in your configuration.

Start there first.

Thanks @petro. line 519 is the !include lines. I’ll start digging thru the automations searching for missing triggers, I got ~60 automations to look thru then.

Specifically look for spacing issues around your ‘trigger’ attribute field.


look for:


Second thing, if the error occurs at 519, and line 519 is automation: !include automations.yaml, then your error is in autmoations.yaml.

Or vise versa: if the error occurs at 519, and line 519 is automation old: !include_dir_merge_list automation/, then your error is in the automation/ directory.

thanks again @petro and you’re right, it was one of the automations in one of the files in the automation/ directory. All good now.

Prior versions to 0.100 explicitly detailed which automation/file the error was at. Was much easier to debug. :cold_face:

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