104 broke (at least changed) thermostat

I have a GoControl Z-Wave thermostat which identifies as Linear GC-TBZ48. It has always had some flaky indications but with 104 the mode indications changed making it difficult to tell if it is operating.

Previously the hvac_action attribute was accurate for cooling and heating, and if neither showed “idle”. The fan was more difficult to tell as it always shows fan_action as “running”, so you had to look for the idle, then look at the fan_mode and if “auto” you can presume it is off.

Now the hvac_action, instead of showing heat or cool when idle, shows “fan”. I think I can change some calculations and if it says “fan” and “auto” together assume it is really off but…

Is this a change in the underlying openzwave? Is anyone else running into issues with this device telling the actual state?

Did you get this working?

I programmed around it by seeing how it responded, e.g.

        friendly_name: HVAC Operation
        value_template: >
          {% if state_attr('climate.thermostat','hvac_action') == 'idle' or state_attr('climate.thermostat','hvac_action') == 'fan' %}
              {% if state_attr('climate.thermostat','fan_mode') == 'On Low' %}
                {{ "fan" }} 
              {% else %}
                {{ "idle" }} 
              {% endif %}
          {% else %}
              {{ state_attr('climate.thermostat','hvac_action') }} 
          {% endif %}