10x ESP32 esphome temperature sensors : mqtt topic?

Hello ,
i have 10 temperature sensors on 10 ESP32.

each has a dallas DS18b20 and mqtt .
i use the default mqtt : <TOPIC_PREFIX>/<COMPONENT_TYPE>/<COMPONENT_NAME>/state.
eg : living/sensor/living_temperature/state
eg : garden/sensor/garden_temperature/state

al works fine and i can check all mqtt trafic via : MQTT Explorer.

now i want to query al my temp sensors.
but how can i do this ?
actually i need to filter in topics thats has “_temperature” in one of the topicnames ??

illustration : https://i.imgur.com/g72vMzw.png

thx in advance

If you don’t want to create MQTT config manually in HA, you can create discovery topics

Random simplified example of mine:

topic: ha_stream/sensor/esp32_proxy_mmwave_temperature/config

  "uniq_id": "mqtt_sensor.esp32_proxy_mmwave_temperature",
  "name": "Esp32 Proxy Mmwave Temperature",
  "stat_t": "ha_stream/sensor/esp32_proxy_mmwave_temperature/state",
  "dev_cla": "temperature",
  "unit_of_meas": "°C",
  "stat_cla": "measurement"