11 Synology Entities unavailable?

Hi there,

I added the Synology Integration and all seems well with 10 Devices and 49 Entities showing in the Synology Tile.

However when I drill down into Entities I can see that 11 are unavailable and it looks like they could have been disabled by Integration.

Now it could be because my RackStation is old/underpowered - it is an RS812 but it is running the current version of DSM.

Maybe it is because some of the unavailable Entities are very similar to some of the active Entities such as in this example;



I guess my questions would be;

  1. If these were disabled by Integration is it safe to re-enable them?
  2. If I am not too bothered about any of these unavailable ones is it safe to just remove them?
  3. I am also showing an old iPhone X Device linked to LiveCam which has been removed from Synology but I can’t seem to delete it in HA?

With my limited knowledge around HA is there anything else I might have missed with regard to the above please?

Thanks & kind regards,

There is quite a distinction between a disabled entity and a unavailable entity. Disabled entities are listed under the disabled entities on the bottom of the device without a status. While unavailable entities just have the status unavailable.

But the integration simply seems to only add a common subset of entities. It’s fully up to you which you want to use (aka, enable) and which don’t and thus disable.