115 brought me this inexplicable error, and it won't finish starting up

after solving a few smaller issues, I seem to be stuck with this error, (3 times)

2020-09-18 20:12:02 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [automation]: 
  Integration 'sun' does not provide trigger support. 
  Got OrderedDict([('homeassistant', OrderedDict([('name', 'Ha Rpi4'), 
  ('internal_url', 'redacted'), ('latitude', redacted ), ('longitude', redacted), 
  ('elevation', redacted), ('unit_system', 'metric'), ('time_zone', 'Europe/Amsterdam'), 
  ('packages', OrderedDict([('package_activity_selection', 
               OrderedDict([('icon', "if (state == 'on') return 'm.... (See ?, line ?). 

which is rather odd, since the package it mentions doesnt contain 1 reference to an automation with sun integration.
the customization it refers to is nothing special either:

        icon: >
          if (state == 'on') return 'mdi:message-bulleted';
          return 'mdi:message-bulleted-off';
        icon_color: >
          if (state == 'on') return 'gold';
          return 'steelblue';

or would it be this is the first of my packages in the long list of packages, and it picks the first line of that package, which would be the only explanation I could give here…

still what would the sun trigger error indicate? Ive have not changed anything, but maybe delete some entity_id’s from template sensors…

        value_template: >
          {% set nw = as_timestamp(now()) %}
          {% set ss = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun','sunset')) %}
          {{'- ' if nw < ss}}{{(nw - ss)|abs|timestamp_custom('%H:%M:%S',false)}}

would I still need to set the original triggering entities with the sun integration?


I had a similar message about sun not providing trigger support, then the log made mention of my life360 integration which made no sense.

I then remembered that I was running a SUN custom-component . I deleted the custom-component and added “sun:” to my configuration.yaml to use the standard sun component and the error went away.

I’m presuming in my case the custom-component was not compatible with 115.

Hope this helps


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yeah, thanks, ive consider the Sun CC by @pnbruckner, but since that seems to work (all sensors are there) I left it alone for now. Maybe Phil could chime in if this odd error could have anything to do with the custom integration?

At the moment my instance is still in shambles still so not in a position to test exactly…

only other automations I see could be causing a trigger issue related to the sun integration would be:

#  - alias: Sunrise sunset
#    id: Sunrise sunset
#    trigger:
#      - platform: sun
#        event: sunrise
#      - platform: sun
#        event: sunset
#    mode: restart
#    action:
#      service_template: >
#        input_boolean.turn_{{'on' if trigger.event == 'sunrise' else 'off'}}
#      entity_id: input_boolean.sun_state


#  - alias: Notify sun state change
#    id: Notify sun state change
#    trigger:
#      platform: state
#      entity_id: sun.sun
#    condition:
#      - condition: template
#        value_template: >
#          {{trigger.to_state.state is in ['above_horizon','below_horizon'] and
#            trigger.to_state.state != trigger.from_state.state}}
#    action:
#      service: notify.system
#      data_template:
#        title: 'Ha Rpi4: Sun state change'
#        message: >
#         {{as_timestamp(now())|timestamp_custom('%X')}} Sun is {{
#           'up' if is_state('sun.sun','above_horizon') else 'down'}} and Solar angle is {{
#           states('sensor.sun_elevation')}}

which as you can see I have taken out for now :frowning:
never had any issues with those before.

Same issue… Several automations fail and they are Simple automationS:

  alias: Close Coop Door at sunset
  description: ''
  - event: sunset
    offset: 00:30:00
    platform: sun
  condition: []
  - data: {}
    entity_id: switch.coop_door_outside
    service: switch.turn_off

I have sun: in configuration.yaml. Not aware of any other sun platform.

    - elevation
    - daylight
    - next_daylight
    - prev_daylight
    - sunrise
    - sunset
    minutes: 1440 #24 hours

And I can’t edit the automations in the UI