The last two magic homes i’ve tried to order are a new chipset. They cant be flashed, so now that that’s dead (Also i’m so sick of mucking round with hack flashing boards)
What are people using for 12v analogue LEDS?
The last two magic homes i’ve tried to order are a new chipset. They cant be flashed, so now that that’s dead (Also i’m so sick of mucking round with hack flashing boards)
What are people using for 12v analogue LEDS?
H801 controller. There inexpensive (under 10$usd if bought from a China shop)
Lot of projects use them for re-flashing, Esphome, Tasmoto, Espeasy, Wled. to name a few.
Awesome! Thanks mate, and much easier to flash by the looks as well.
Wonder why they are so big though lol
This is quite an informative - in short it seems to have quite good components
A nice alternative would be the electrodragon modules. Ordered and received some, but didn’t have time to install them yet. I will let the pictures speak, as my English is not my native language.
I also have some dual relay electrodragons which run for a couple years already.
PS. A little flaw - although the module is RGBW, the cable is RGB
Thanks guys!
I ended up getting the H801 so I’m sure this will turn out super handy, thanks for that.
You can get a heap of the cables on ebay, I have so many spares. Its why I not replacing them all with ws2812. Though super interesting that this can do both, wish I had of known about this earlier, makes upgrading super easy.
I can’t seem to find this controller on ebay at all though.
I ordered directly from their site
I noticed that they now offer ESP32 versions of this controller. Any experience with those?
If those could be flashed to WLED or ESPhome, that would be a really good deal (compared to QuinLED ones for example).
I bought two esp32 controllers, it just arrived. I will try to flash esphome to it. Just wondering, if i can use it to control some digital leds and/or motion/temperature sensors with it, as it seem, it has some gpio pins accessible
Well do let us know how it goes
Sure can. ESP32s are amazing lol
Have a look for some wiring guides for different things you can work it out pretty quick.
There is a guide for what GPIO pins you can use for what. Easy to find
Once you go ESP32, you never go back HAHA
I was talking about pins on this board I use esp32 for my diy projects
Me too …
ok, i flashed it with esphome. But i have trouble compilling it with lights output
output.ledc: [source /config/esphome/_packages/output/electrodragon.yaml:2]
platform: ledc
This pin cannot be used on ESP32-C3s and is already used by the SPI/PSRAM interface (function: SPICLK).
pin: GPIO15
frequency: 25000 Hz
id: output_red
output.ledc: [source /config/esphome/_packages/output/electrodragon.yaml:6]
platform: ledc
This pin cannot be used on ESP32-C3s and is already used by the SPI/PSRAM interface (function: SPIHD).
pin: GPIO12
frequency: 25000 Hz
id: output_blue
output.ledc: [source /config/esphome/_packages/output/electrodragon.yaml:10]
platform: ledc
This pin cannot be used on ESP32-C3s and is already used by the SPI/PSRAM interface (function: SPIWP).
pin: GPIO13
frequency: 25000 Hz
id: output_green
output.ledc: [source /config/esphome/_packages/output/electrodragon.yaml:14]
platform: ledc
This pin cannot be used on ESP32-C3s and is already used by the SPI/PSRAM interface (function: SPICS0).
pin: GPIO14
frequency: 25000 Hz
id: output_white
output.gpio: [source /config/esphome/_packages/output/electrodragon.yaml:18]
platform: gpio
This pin cannot be used on ESP32-C3s and is already used by the SPI/PSRAM interface (function: SPID).
pin: GPIO16
id: output_led_red
inverted: True
nevermind, i found pinout of module onboard and mapped gpios
- platform: ledc
pin: GPIO08
# pin: GPIO15
frequency: 25000 Hz
id: output_red
- platform: ledc
# pin: GPIO12
pin: GPIO04
frequency: 25000 Hz
id: output_blue
- platform: ledc
# pin: GPIO13
pin: GPIO05
frequency: 25000 Hz
id: output_green
- platform: ledc
# pin: GPIO14
pin: GPIO03
frequency: 25000 Hz
id: output_white
- platform: gpio
# pin: GPIO16
pin: GPIO02
id: output_led_red
inverted: true
Just tested it, it works with this pinout, all outputs are controllable