Hi All,
I implemented Alarm_Control_Panel (template) and I am having an issue with enforcing a code to arm/disarm. This appears to be an ongoing issue - however, there is a workaround - but the level of documentation isn’t enough to implement the workaround. I have searched and searched but have been unsuccessful.
Workaround: Docs on template alarm panel implement alarms requiring no code · Issue #23124 · home-assistant/home-assistant.io · GitHub
Another page that I reviewed: Esp32 home alarm system with home assistant and esphome · GitHub
- platform: template
name: "Home Alarm"
value_template: "{{ states('alarm_control_panel.lyric_alarm_system') }}"
- condition: template
value_template: !secret evaluate_code
- service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.lyric_alarm_system
code: !secret alarm_code
- condition: template
value_template: !secret evaluate_code
- service: totalconnect.arm_home_instant
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home
code: !secret alarm_code
- condition: template
value_template: !secret evaluate_code
- service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.lyric_alarm_system
code: !secret alarm_code
alarm_code: 0000
evaluate_code: "{{ code == 0000 }}"
In the past a configuration similar to what is provided on the integrations alarm template page worked. However, I could click disarm without any code and the alarm would disarm. As you can imagine that doesn’t work with a tablet that is freely available.
With the configuration provided above, nothing happens. I can enter the code and click one of the arm buttons - does nothing. I can just click on one of the arm buttons, nothing happens.
I see nothing in the log related to this issue other than at one point in time having ‘0000’ in evaluate_code stated that it didn’t want extra characters. So I removed the two ’
For those of you curious on why I am using template, it is because I want to use the arm home instant service instead of arm home.
Now Information on the Bounty: $150.00 will be transferred into the Paypal account of the first person that either corrects this issue or provides the right yaml to fix the problem.