17track sensor

I’ve just upgraded to 0.83 and wanted to use the 17track sensor. However I get this:

[homeassistant.components.sensor.seventeentrack] Invalid username and password provided

Which is weird, because when I copy the username and password in my browser I can login just fine. Anyone else with this issue?

Still broken with 0.83.1.

Works fine for me on 0.83.0 and 0.83.1 with Hassbian. My configuration for the 17track.net sensor can be found here.

Is your password more than 16 characters? If so, it won’t work with the API. See warning here.

Ah cheers. My password is indeed longer. I’ll try to change it.

In my account on the 17track, I added a parcel to the tracking.
In Home Assistant I added to my configuration:

  • platform: seventeentrack
    username: !secret 17track_login
    password: !secret 17track_password

In Lovelace i made card “17track”

  • title: 17Track
    id: tracks
    icon: mdi:package
    • type: entities
      title: 17track
      • sensor.seventeentrack

There is an error on the card that there is no such sensor.
But in the list there is a sensor with a tracking number (sensor.LMxxxxxxCN).
If I manually register this sensor (sensor.LMxxxxxxCN) on the card, the status of the track is displayed. How to make the automatic addition of track parcels from 17track to Home Assistant?

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Hi! I also just tried the sensor. I have 2 packages in transit. Still, the sensor states (debug log):

[homeassistant.components.sensor.seventeentrack] New summary data received: {'Not Found': 0, 'In Transit': 0, 'Expired': 0, 'Ready to be Picked Up': 0, 'Undelivered': 0, 'Delivered': 0, 'Returned': 0}

Any ideas? I am using the “normal” free 17Track-account…

How did you succeed to do that ? killing my head here on website of 17track as I find no way to do that (unless I’m logged with account I created on their website !!)

Thanks :wink:

In the sensor configuration, you need to register a platform seventeentrack:

platform: seventeentrack
username: you 17track login
password: you 17track password

After you may need to restart Home Assistant.
After that, under the “states” (<> icon) new types of sensors will appear

Next, I add these sensors to the created card.
title: 17Track
id: tracks
icon: mdi:package

  • type: entities
    title: 17track
    • sensor.17track_package_lm123456789cn.

The card displays the status of the parcel.

It would be ideal if the track numbers registered on the 17 track were automatically added to this card. As I understand it now is impossible

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ah oki so you have to manually add trnacking numbers in config file ?? That component is just a joke then !! Completely useless !!

More and more disappointed recently by number of components that in fact are not working and/or have not been really tested before being added at HA :frowning: I think there is a serious problem here on way new component are accepted and checked for good behaviour and that they are really working before being part of official HA components !

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Yes. Unfortunately only by manually. And then also manually delete. As such, the component in my opinion is useless.

Unfortunately, this is so. And with the release of new versions, already functioning functions break down (for example, the weather forecast broke down). Why the authors are in a hurry is not very clear. Why not make a beta version and lay them out for testing, and the results include the release version.

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Fully agree on it, useless to create such components and why have they made it as official component is a complete mystery !! Looks like there is absolutely no control of usability and workability of modules submitted for inclusion in PR, it’s just going to make the platform more and more bad with all these senseless components !

I have feeling to use a commercial closed project where marketing is pushing forward to release new “features” whatever it breaks existing features or makes things unstable… That’s really stupid as they are just going to make the platform worse and worse and everyone will go away of it ! I’m already thinking to switch to something else unless experience I have gained already with HA :frowning:

Wow, you guys sure are salty!

What you’re asking for is actually relatively trivial using a custom card called Monster card.

Install it and add a few lines to your ui-lovelace.yaml, and everything will work dynamically.
Here you go, I’ve done it for you!

  - type: custom:monster-card
      type: entities
      title: Tracking
      show_header_toggle: false
    show_empty: false
        - entity_id: 'sensor.*track_package_*'
            secondary_info: last-changed

Thank you very much!
I installed the extension and added the code you wrote to my configuration.
Now everything works great.

@Skeletorjus, Is it possible to show also the attributions tracking_number and info_text with Monster Card (or other card) ?

I’m wondering if there is a way to change the friendly name of the packages? Having it show up as Seventeentrack Package: tracking_number is rather huge in the UI. I know it’s from 17track. I don’t need every single package to tell me that. Normally I’d change this in my customize.yaml file, but as these are dynamic sensors made on the fly, this is not possible.

Only thing I can think of is for this to be built into the component and remove that bit of text, or even better to have an option on the component to be able to change the friendly name.

Any other ideas?

Is there any particular reason that you can’t just change the name in the UI by clicking on the sensor and then the cog in the upper right corner?
I also think that one of the fields on the 17track website (can’t remeber if it’s under order information or the one where you can make a note) will change the name in Home Assistant.

I agree with @cjsimmons
Is there a way, with a value template, to remove the text 'Seventeentrack Package: ' since it’s the same for every tracking.

Every package that’s tracked is prefixes with Seventeentrack Package:. While I could go and change the name of the sensor in HA, then next package will have this as well.

It would be good if we could remove it totally, and just have the package name. Same with the sensors, but it’s not a big deal as the name can be changed with customize.yaml or some cards allow you to set a friendly name, like the Glance card.

I am trying this as you put it and I just get an empty card.

Do you have any entities that fit with the pattern?