a few with 1wire running, but recently 1 unit has recently stopped recognizing any 1wire devices, such as the ds18b20 sensors connected.
I’ve tried new sensors, tried a different port on the kinkony, also tried manually adding a 4k7 resistor which im sure is not required as this is built in, but no matter what, I cannot get it to recognize any sensors.
The code is the same as the other Kinkony devices but at this stage its looking more and more like a hardware issue but I just wanted to be sure that i’m not missing anything.
I have tried removing the code, and re adding it, also no go.
[01:01:38][W][dallas.temp.sensor:139]: 'CoreRackTemp' - Scratch pad checksum invalid!
[01:01:38][W][component:157]: Component dallas_temp.sensor set Warning flag: scratch pad checksum invalid
[01:01:38][D][sensor:094]: 'CoreRackTemp': Sending state nan °C with 1 decimals of accuracy