2 channel switch

Hi all,
I’m searching for a 2 channel switch which I can integrate in HA. I want to switch on my well pump which has such a mechanical switch (photo). The shelly 2pm is not usable because the two channels are not seperated.
Is there any alternative hardware?

Thanks a lot Markus

A shelly can work or any other relay as it looks like the connection is just looped via comm through the first switch to the second as a redundant or safety switch in this case.

Get a licensed electrician to double check the setup and you may be able to eliminate one of the physical switches aka swap out the first one with the relay you want to integrate into HA or just remove both from the loop as physical leaving only the relay to control it.

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Why should they be separated? Why you need two channels in the first place?
This has only one switch, so Shelly plus1 is ok as well. Only thing you have to be concerned is current. What’s the power of your pump?

Hi Markus,

Consider this.
A pump is a motor which is an inductive load. The vast majority of IOT devices are spec-ed with the resistive current rating, not an inductive motor load. Finding a switch that is rated to match your motor’s inductive load or overrating the switch by at least 4 times is going to be needed to keep the switch from breaking down in a short time.

You’re more experienced in electronics than I could ever hope to be, but that switch on the top right looks suspiciously like a DPDT switch.

It’s hard tell what the button below the switch does, but I’m guessing he’s gonna need some kind of smart switch which switches off both poles + a contactor to manage the load.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

I expect it to be fuse.
And if OP has pump that draws (without datasheet) more than ~4amps, he needs contactor. I would recommend it even for lower amps.

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