2 damping factor values to forecast.solar

Can we make it possible to add two damping factor values to forecast.solar? To be able to adjust different damping factors for the morning and evening? I have a case were I just want to damp the forecast at the evening cause of some trees that are shading.

Right now it seems to only be able to add 1 value from the configuration window. In forecast.solars documentation it seems possible to add 2 values to the api call.


  • ?damping=1 use in the morning and in the evening a factor of 1
  • ?damping=0,1 use in the morning a factor of 0 and in the evening a factor of 1

Is still available


Yes I know, but I’m trying to configure it from the integrations menu in HA. See my screenshot below, it is not possible to add two values here? If I try to configure 0.1,1 - I get 0.1 only in HA.

Is it possible to configure it on another way in HA?

Not yet, this is in development AFAIK, at the moment the factor will be converted to a single float.

Ok thanks for the information :slight_smile: Hope to see this soon then in HA :slight_smile:

Anyone know if this is in development. Thanks

I am in the same situation. In the morning everything looks fine, but in the evening is way off.
Anybody knows if this is still in development?
Thank you.

Same here… I need to add separate damping factors for the morning (0.25) and the evening (0) as my south faced solar panels get some shadow from the roof in the morning but are fully sun faced in the evening!?

I noticed that this had already been added to the underlying python script, so I’ve made some initial modifications to the integration to allow separate damping factors to be added.

I cloned the forecast_solar part of the repo and made some adjustments. It looks as though it might be working, but I’ve noticed a couple of potential issues:

  1. I was trying to get the config flow to validate the entry based on regex, but not sure if this is possible. I’ve replicated the Api Key validation script, but it doesn’t seem to be preventing putting in an invalid string.
  2. Something weird happened to the config flow dialog box - I lost all the field headings - not sure if this was just a bad browser cache at my end.

Here’s the script - please try manually adding it as a custom component and let me know if it works OK (or suggest edits). Once a few people are seeing it work OK, I’ll port the changes back across to core and raise a PR against the original code.