2 HA servers

Hello All, I’m very new to HA. I have setup two intel NUC’s with HA ( operational & test ). both have the same HA version installed and both are in the same ‘home’ network. Both discovered the same devices in my home. What I don’t understand is why many entity names in both systems are in different languages and have different names.

server 1

server 2

I searched the internet but could not find anything on this situation.

Strange, indeed. Can’t answer that question, all I can say my HA instances use the same names.
Did you change the language of ‘HomeWizard Energy’ between the setup of the first and the second HA instance ?

I run two systems as well and am super curious. I have a test setup for helping others with coding issues so I don’t share the devices with both systems. Mine are different IPs and names. @francisp language check suggestion is a good start.

The setup un both is the same, only the server address is different. Both are using wires network access. Both have the same hardware. The language setting is the same.

Yes, but from the docs

The HomeWizard Energy devices are designed to work with the HomeWizard Energy app and require communication with the HomeWizard cloud to make them function with the app.

So if you changed the Homewizard app language between installs, it could explain it.

Is your port address the same ie… 8123 on both devices?

Yes both machines use the same port 8123

Switch that up.

add this to your config file

  server_port: 8124

8124 is a just a suggestion. Add the port of your choice.

Language on both machines and the app are the same ( English)

Is it German Dutch, Italian and Netherlands? Not great with languages

From what I see, one is English, one is Dutch (Netherlands)

One is English the other dutch

HA uses your browsers language to assign your primary language.

Check your profile, the first entry should be English on both.

I assume what happen was the second NUC could not determine your browser’s language and defaulted to Amsterdam. That is where the system default location is.


All my devices are set up for and in the English language. That could not be the problem.

Keep us informed if you figure it out.