2 iCloud account ..?

i add second account for iCloud in Home assistant but don’t appear in home assistant don’t work, can you help ?

thank you

No replay ?

What is your config?

Below is how mine is setup. I have the second commented out now as I noticed that when I removed it for a test it kept working. Name2 is my wife’s account and as we have family sharing enabled I can pull her location data.

#                                                  #
#       DEVICE TRACKER - Name'S iPHONE             #
#                                                  #

  - platform: icloud
    username: [email protected]
    password: password

#                                                  #
#        DEVICE TRACKER - Name2'S iPHONE           #
#                                                  #

#  - platform: icloud
#    username: [email protected]
#    password: password2

#                                                  #
#          DEVICE TRACKER - WiFi TRACKER           #
#                                                  #

  - platform: nmap_tracker
    hosts: -Pn
    home_interval: 1

#                                                  #
#            END OF CONFIGUATION FILE              #
#                                                  #

hello silvrr
thank you for replay my setup is the same, but i think i know what is the problem in known_devices.yaml the device name is same for both device that why don’t work i will try it and see if working or not.

thank you

You may need to use the account_name option then.

i try this but not working

yes now it work.
thank you silvrr