2 identical Pi's with 2 configs

Let’s say one would have 2 identical pi’s with 2 identical applications running AppDaemon, but (of course 2 different set of sensors). And one can setup a single git repository and push said code and config too the 2 pi’s. How would one go about making sure that pi-a only runs config-a and vs?

So my question is, is there some sort of filter or semaphore I can use to only pick up that app-configuration in AppDaemon?

Oh, both have 2 different appdaemon.yaml

But I would like to source them with identical set of app-config’s and python files… Just have pi-a pickup app-config-a and pi-b to picking config-b (both with the identical py file).

Is it only the apps.yaml and the appdaemon.yaml files that are diffent for the two pi’s?

Yes, 2 identical pi zero’s with grove hat’s on top. Both of course have their own hostnames and ip’s.

Each has a separate appdaemon.yaml. What I would like to do is push source from 1 repository to both of them and filter based on some uniqueness in the appdaemon.yaml but I’m not sure how to do this and I was wondering if anybody else already had something like this?

It works for now, but I have now got 2 repositories pushing 99,99% of the same info to 2 remotes. Basically the only difference is the names of the hass sensors they create…

Ok, what if you push everything except the appdaemon.yaml and apps.yaml files. Then make two folders in your repo, and place the specific appdaemon.yaml and apps.yaml for heach host in the folders. You can give the folders the same name as your hostnames. Then, all you need is a simple shell script that copies the appdaemon.yaml and apps.yaml to the right folders. The shell script can use the hostname as a variable when copying the two files.


That’s it! Thanks!

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