If i wanted to connect two led strips to one data output of the esp8266, can i define a range of leds on a strip instead of the total number of leds on a strip?
I need to connect 6 different strips to make 6 different “zones” but I don’t want to have to wire each zone to a separate data output.
Unless someone corrects me, I don’t believe this is currently supported…at least not in yaml. You would need a way to define a light with 2 pins (not currently supported) and an LED offset number for one of the “legs” on the light (also not supported).
For what it’s worth, I would like to do the opposite with one of my nodes…combine two pins worth of LEDs into one continuous light component.
I have 1 100 led strip I want to control as four separate zones and did’t want to run 4 data wires from 4 pins…hoping to keep my wiring neat.
For what you are trying to do:
Your 2 leds shows up in HA as two different lights, correct? Why can’t you group them in HA so they work as one light.
I can and I have, but I’d prefer to daisy chain them so that animations that chase down the strip flow seamlessly across to the other strip as if they were connected as one strip. The FastLED library supports this.