2 nodemcu-32s with LD2410c each. One always has sensor value unknowns

I don’t know if it’s because the bluetooth proxy is too far or they’re sharing sensor IDs (they shouldn’t, they’re tagged differently) but every so often 1 of them (bedroom or living room) returns unknown values and I have to manually unplug the unknown one and replug.

Is there something I am missing? They both use package includes with variables to define each. Like so. the LD2410c.yaml is basic and is a copy of what is suggested in ESPhome.

Example Below for bedroom-pres-and-bt.yaml

  name: bedroom-pres-and-bt
  friendly_name: Bedroom Pres and BT
  device_id: bedroom_pres_and_bt
  ld2410_id: "2"
  api_key: "xxx"
  ota_pass: "xxx"
  static_ip: "141"

  common: !include common/common.yaml
#  manual_ip: !include common/manual-ip.yaml
  bt_proxy: !include common/bluetooth-proxy.yaml
  ld2410c: !include common/ld2410c.yaml

  level: INFO
#  logs:
#    sensor.ld2410: NONE
  baud_rate: 0