I flashed two SONOFF TH 16 with Tasmota 6.4.1 then updated to 6.5.0.
Both have a sensor plug in one with the DS18B20 TEMP sensor (controle_spa)
and one with SI7021 TEMP and HUM sensor (controle_foyer)
Both sensors shows the value inside the HTML page of the device.
The one with the SI7021 shows the switch and TEMP/HUM in Home assistant and work great.
The one with the DS18B20 shows the TEMP in Home Assistant, show the switch always OFF, but if I click ON in Home Assistant the command is sent to the device with become ON but Home Assistant always show it at OFF.
Can somebody Help, thanks
Both device received the same Retain off and the mqtt server erase retain message.
> SwitchRetain Off
> ButtonRetain On
> ButtonRetain Off
> PowerOnState 3
> PowerRetain On
> mosquitto_pub -h [brokerIP] -p 1883 -u [user] -P [password] -t stat/controle_foyer/POWER1 -r -m
> mosquitto_pub -h [brokerIP] -p 1883 -u [user] -P [password] -t stat/controle_foyer/POWER -r -m
> mosquitto_pub -h [brokerIP] -p 1883 -u [user] -P [password] -t stat/controle_foyer/LWT -r -m
Here the yaml config for the switchs
> - platform: mqtt
> name: "Controle Spa"
> state_topic: "stat/controle_Spa/POWER1"
> command_topic: "cmnd/controle_spa/POWER"
> availability_topic: "tele/controle_spa/LWT"
> qos: 1
> payload_on: "ON"
> payload_off: "OFF"
> payload_available: "Online"
> payload_not_available: "Offline"
> retain: false
> unique_id: 84F3EBA88756-SWIT
> - platform: mqtt
> name: "Controle Foyer"
> state_topic: "stat/controle_foyer/POWER1"
> command_topic: "cmnd/controle_foyer/POWER"
> availability_topic: "tele/controle_foyer/LWT"
> qos: 1
> payload_on: "ON"
> payload_off: "OFF"
> payload_available: "Online"
> payload_not_available: "Offline"
> retain: false
> unique_id: 84F3EBA891C3-SWIT